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  • Parse request-data.json into the query similar to result.sql.

Inside request-data.json you have two properties nodes and edges, nodes contains all the required information to apply the transformation into Table/Query and edges represents how they are linked together. In each node there is a property transformObject which is different for each type There are 5 different types of nodes used in this request

- INPUT		-> it contains information about table and which fields to select from original table. 
- FILTER	-> contains SQL "where" settings 
- SORT		-> contains SQL "order by" settings 
- TEXT_TRANSFORMATION	    -> contains information about applying some text SQL function on any column. For example UPPER, LOWER (see the digram for actual use case)
- OUTPUT	-> contains SQL "limit" settings

Graphical representation of actual use-case: graphical representation

Use your imagination to fill in the missing information however you like to achieve the result.

Bonus Points

  • Optimize request-data.json json structure/schema.
  • Extendable structure which allows to add more types easily in the future.
  • Suggestion on how to validate the columns used inside the nodes.