
A simple epoll server supporting (a subset of) HTTP/1.1. Written in C++.

Primary LanguageC++

Epoll HTTP Server

A simple single threaded, epoll-based HTTP server written in C++.


Setup guide


You will need cmake with version at least 3.7, and a compiler with C++17 support.

You will also need nlohmann/json which can be installed with the following command, ran in the project root:

wget https://github.com/nlohmann/json/releases/download/v3.9.1/json.hpp -P include/nlohmann/

Building and running

In the project root, run:

mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make -j4

This builds the binary server which you can run with ./server in the build/ folder. It also builds the static library server_lib which is linked to the test binary server_test. You may run the unit tests (using GoogleTest) with the ctest command in the build/ folder.

The server may be reached in your browser through http://localhost:8080/. Several endpoints are available like /, /dtl, /home, /echo.

In particular, /echo echoes back to the client the URL request parameters, along with the json data in the body if the request is a POST request of content type application/json. To see this in action, you may either visit http://localhost:8080/echo?param1=xyz&param2=def or spawn another terminal instance and run the following command:

curl \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--request POST \
--data '{ "username": "geoboom", "password": "dytechlab" }' \

You should see the same data echoed back to you.

Note: you may change the port on which the server is run (8080 by default) in src/http_server.h, under the DEFAULT_PORT definition.

Example usage

You may find this in src/main.cpp.

#include "http_server.h"
#include "iostream"
#include "fstream"
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>

using json = nlohmann::json;

void get_post_echo(geo::Request &request, geo::Response &response) {
  geo::KVMap data = request.get_data();
  geo::KVMap url_params = request.get_url_params();

  json v;
  for (auto &it : data)
    v["data_received"][it.first] = it.second;
  for (auto &it : url_params)
    v["url_params_received"][it.first] = it.second;


void get_home(geo::Request &request, geo::Response &response) {
  response.set_data("Hello there!\n");

void get_index(geo::Request &request, geo::Response &response) {
  std::ifstream ifs("../public/index.html");
  std::string content((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(ifs)),

  response.set_header("Content-Type", "text/html");

void get_dtl(geo::Request &request, geo::Response &response) {
  std::ifstream ifs("../public/dtl.html");
  std::string content((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(ifs)),

  response.set_header("Content-Type", "text/html");

int main() {
  geo::HttpServer server;

  // ===============================
  // resources setup BEGIN
  // ===============================
  geo::HttpResource echo_resource;
  echo_resource.add_handler(geo::HttpMethod::POST, get_post_echo);
  echo_resource.add_handler(geo::HttpMethod::GET, get_post_echo);
  server.add_resource("/echo", echo_resource);

  geo::HttpResource home_resource;
  home_resource.add_handler(geo::HttpMethod::GET, get_home);
  server.add_resource("/home", home_resource);

  geo::HttpResource index_resource;
  index_resource.add_handler(geo::HttpMethod::GET, get_index);
  server.add_resource("/", index_resource);

  geo::HttpResource dtl_resource;
  dtl_resource.add_handler(geo::HttpMethod::GET, get_dtl);
  server.add_resource("/dtl", dtl_resource);
  // ===============================
  // resources setup END
  // ===============================

  return 0;

Design notes

Following is the directory tree as seen from the root.

├── build
│   ├── ...
│   └── server
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── include
│   └── nlohmann
│       └── json.hpp
├── public
│   ├── dtl.html
│   └── index.html
├── README.md
├── src
│   ├── connection_context.cpp
│   ├── connection_context.h
│   ├── epoll_loop.cpp
│   ├── epoll_loop.h
│   ├── handler.h
│   ├── http_methods.h
│   ├── http_server.cpp
│   ├── http_server.h
│   ├── main.cpp
│   └── utils.h
└── test
    ├── CMakeLists.txt
    └── tests.cpp


  • src/ contains all the project source files and test/ contains the unit test files.
  • connection_context contains the classes Request, Response, and ClientContext which manage the state of a client's connection. Also contains functions that parse HTTP request data and generate HTTP responses.
  • epoll_loop contains the EpollLoop class which is a singleton that manages the IO loop of the server in an asynchronous, nonblocking fashion using the epoll syscall.
  • handler contains the Handler interface which defines a few interface methods to handle epoll_events.
  • http_server contains the HttpServer class which implements the Handler interface to handle accept, read, write events. It also contains HttpResource class which encapsulates a HTTP resource.
  • http_methods, utils contain some helper enums and functions.
  • main.cpp is where the HttpServer and endpoints are set up.

The design of my server follows the reactor design pattern, which is an event handling pattern for handling service requests delivered concurrently to a service handler by one or more inputs (clients on a socket). The service handler then demultiplexes the incoming requests and dispatches them synchronously to the associated request handlers. This is similar to how NodeJS handles events on a single thread and dispatches CPU intensive tasks to a worker thread pool, except that for my server, there is only one thread; I did not have time to explore this worker thread pool enhancement.

As for features, HTTP GET and POST requests with url query parameters and JSON POST body are supported; HTTP/1.1 "Connection: Keep-Alive" header for persistent connection is also supported. There is minimal exception handling due to time constraints, though I would like to add a general HttpException class that can be thrown and caught by the handler which will generate an appropriate HTTP response object if I had more time. Also, requests / responses will truncate to BUFFER_SIZE when reading from / writing to client socket as I did not find supporting and testing larger request sizes to be a priority under the time constraints.

To begin, you could take a look at main.cpp to see how the HTTP resource endpoints along with their route handlers are created.

Performance benchmarks

Using wrk, a HTTP benchmarking tool (https://github.com/wg/wrk), I managed to get 8k - 10k queries per second (QPS) with 10k concurrent connections on my main computer which runs an old Intel Core i7-4930K (6C12T@3.90GHz).

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to hit 100k QPS throughput with a single thread like I had anticipated at the start of this project. I realized this too late and figured that I would need a worker thread pool to achieve 100k QPS, but I did not have enough time to implement it. Nonetheless, it was a very enjoyable experience researching and working on this project and I am happy with the results (vs 12k QPS on barebones NodeJS server). Of course, many aspects of the server could be optimized with more time.

The command for the benchmark is:

wrk -c10k -d10s http://localhost:8080/home

You can install wrk via:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install wrk


Improve throughput (QPS) by delegating requests to a pre-initialized worker thread pool.