
Content of code.kx.com

Kdb+ documentation

Rebuild of code.kx.com using the MkDocs static site generator.

The wiki enabled the kdb+ documentation to grow organically over the years. It is well organised for finding all uses of a word or glyph. Its replacement aims to

  • use a consistent vocabulary and typographical convention
  • distinguish clearly between a glyph and the function/s it denotes
  • categorise language primitives by application so, e.g. string-handling functions are listed together

Most of the wiki consists of three groups of articles:

  • Reference
  • Cookbook
  • Extracts from V1 and V2 of Q for Mortals


The Reference articles have been exported and their content incorporated into a hierarchical table of contents.


The Cookbook articles are being migrated: see the ToDo list below. The most-used pages are being migrated first, along with pages they link to.

Q for Mortals V3

Unlike the first two editions, Q for Mortals V3 is now published in its entirety online in HTML.

Links from the Reference and Cookbook to Q for Mortals are being replaced with links to Q for Mortals V3.

Not upwardly compatible

Rewriting the Reference material required settling the vocabulary in which q is described.

The term verb had been inherited from the J programming language but was an inexact fit for q, besides being unfamiliar to programmers generally.

We start from the common usages of operator and function; thus + is an operator.

A function’s rank is the number of arguments it takes. Functions of ranks 1 and 2 are no longer monads and dyads but (more familiarly) unary and binary functions.

+[2;3] demonstrates that operators are also functions; a q operator is a binary function that may be applied infix. From this we discover and, cut, upsert, over and other functions are also operators.

While adverb is unfamiliar to programmers generally, and loses explanatory power outside the J noun/verb/adverb metaphor, we need a term for the q primitives that are applied postfix and return a derivative (derived function), e.g. +/. Adverb survives by default, but we now improve clarity by distinguishing between the six glyphs and the twelve adverbs they denote.

q)f:count':       / count is unary  so ': is each-parallel
q)g:,':           / ,     is binary so ': is each-prior
q)f("abc";"xyz")  / each-parallel derivative is unary
3 3
q)g["abc";"xyz"]  / each-prior derivative is binary

Adverbs take functions as arguments but are not alone in doing so: operators such as fby, over, and scan do so, as may any lambda. This is unremarkable in functional languages.

K has ambivalent primitives, e.g. - can be applied infix as the binary function subtract or prefix as the unary function negate.


Q has no ambivalent primitives, but some derivatives are ambivalent.

q)tot:+/        / derivative
q)tot[til 6]    / unary
q)tot[2;til 6]  / binary

To do

  • Tabulate .h and .Q contents on q/ref/card
  • Distribute throughout the pages under Reference/Semantics references to .h, .Q and .z functions
  • Fill lacunae in .h and .Q pages
  • Replace central table on home page with responsive version
  • Migrate Cookbook articles
  • Migrate Interfaces articles
  • JS to insert target attribute on external links
  • Condensed style for larger displays
  • Control deadword list in search
  • Split code.archive into 4 repos
  • Remove links to github.com/KxSystems/code.archive


This is a project of the Kx Librarian

A librarian’s job is to put information where people can find it.