
Feliz-style Fable bindings for Adobe's React Spectrum components

Primary LanguageF#MIT LicenseMIT


Feliz-style Fable bindings for Adobe's React Spectrum components


  • Using the Femto dotnet tool makes sure the required npm dependencies are correctly installed:
    dotnet femto install Feliz.ReactSpectrum
  • Using NuGet:
    dotnet add package Feliz.ReactSpectrum
  • Don't forget to also install the npm dependencies manually if you're not using Femto:
    npm install @adobe/react-spectrum
    npm install @spectrum-icons/illustrations
    npm install @spectrum-icons/workflow


See it in action here: https://geodanila.github.io/Feliz.ReactSpectrum/

Running the docs locally

  • Make sure you have the .NET 6 SDK installed
  • Run a dotnet tool restore in order to restore the tools required for building the bindings library and docs app
  • Run dotnet run RunDocs - wait a bit and a browser window will open showing the docs app. The app will run in development mode, with hot module reloading enabled