
Code for solving the reconstruction problem for tropical representations of deep ReLU networks

Primary LanguagePython

Zonotope Matching and Approximation for Neural Networks

Copyright George D. Torres 2023.

Submitted as supplementary material for "Zonotope Matching and Approximation for Neural Networks", a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment for the requirements of Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Texas at Austin.


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pip install -e .

or using poetry:

poetry install


Here are some example uses that demonstrate capability.

Tropical Polynomials

To create a tropical polynomial, use the TropicalPolynomial class, and pass the list of monomials and the list of their coefficients. Polynomials in arbitrary numbers of variables are allowed.

>>> from tropical_recionstruction.function import TropicalPolynomial
>>> f = TropicalPolynomial([(0,0),(1,1),(2,1)],[1,2,3])
>>> f
1 + 2xy + 3x^2y

To evaluate this polynomial at a point [x,y]:

>>> f([1.2,5])

To get the list of monomials and coefficients as a dictionary:

>>> f.poly()
{(0, 0): 1, (1, 1): 2, (2, 1): 3}

To get the coefficient of a given monomial:

>>> f.coef((1,1))
>>> f.coef((1,0))

There is a larger example polynomial in example.py:

>>> from tropical_reconstruction.examples import TropicalExampleB
>>> f = TropicalExampleB.f
>>> f
10 + 12x^4 + 9x^2y + 11x^6y + 14x^2y^4 + 16x^6y^4 + 13x^4y^5 + 15x^8y^5 + (-5)•y^6 + (-3)•x^4y^6 + (-6)•x^2y^7 + (-4)•x^6y^7 + (-1)•x^2y^10 + 1x^6y^10 + (-2)•x^4y^11 + 0x^8y^11

TropicalPolynomial objects can be (tropically) added and multiplied:

>>> g = TropicalPolynomial([(1,2),(2,2)],[-1,-1])
>>> h = f+g
>>> h
(-1)•xy^2 + (-1)•x^2y^2 + 10 + 12x^4 + 9x^2y + 11x^6y + 14x^2y^4 + 16x^6y^4 + 13x^4y^5 + 15x^8y^5 + (-5)•y^6 + (-3)•x^4y^6 + (-6)•x^2y^7 + (-4)•x^6y^7 + (-1)•x^2y^10 + 1x^6y^10 + (-2)•x^4y^11 + 0x^8y^11
>>> h = f*g
>>> h
9x^2y^2 + 11x^6y^2 + 8x^4y^3 + 10x^8y^3 + 13x^4y^6 + 15x^8y^6 + 12x^6y^7 + 14x^10y^7 + (-6)•x^2y^8 + (-4)•x^6y^8 + (-7)•x^4y^9 + (-5)•x^8y^9 + (-2)•x^4y^12 + 0x^8y^12 + (-3)•x^6y^13 + (-1)•x^10y^13 + 9xy^2 + 11x^5y^2 + 8x^3y^3 + 10x^7y^3 + 13x^3y^6 + 15x^7y^6 + 12x^5y^7 + 14x^9y^7 + (-6)•xy^8 + (-4)•x^5y^8 + (-7)•x^3y^9 + (-5)•x^7y^9 + (-2)•x^3y^12 + 0x^7y^12 + (-3)•x^5y^13 + (-1)•x^9y^13

A tropical polynomial can be "simplified" by removing all inactive monomials, yielding a new polynomial that is pointwise equal:

>>> h = TropicalPolynomial([(0,0),(2,0),(0,2),(1,1)],[1,1,1,0])
>>> h1 = h.simplify()
>>> h1
1.0 + 1.0x^2.0 + 1.0y^2.0

To compute a tropical power of a polynomial f^a, use .power(a). Passing lazy=True will compute the simplification of the tropical power, denoted f^[a]. This is generally much faster.

ReLU Neural Networks

Homogenous ReLU networks are implemented in function.py. Specify the paramters A = (A^1,A^2,...,A^L) and t = (t^1,t^2,...,t^L) as numpy arrays. Recall a Polynomial Neural Network is ReLU network with A >= 0. These can be constructed through the PolynomialNeuralNetwork class in function.py. Specify the parameters A = (A^1,A^2,...,A^L) and t = (t^1,t^2,...,t^L) as numpy arrays. For example, the following is a network of architecture (2,4,1):

>>> from tropical_reconstruction.function import PolynomialNeuralNetwork
>>> import numpy as np
>>> A1 = np.array([[2,0],[2,1],[1,2],[0,2]]) # weights
>>> A2 = np.array([[2,1,2,3]]) # weights
>>> t1 = np.array([-1,1,-2,5]) # thresholds
>>> t2 = np.array([5]) # thresholds
>>> N = PolynomialNeuralNetwork([A1,A2],[t1,t2])

Evaluate the neural network at a point [x,y]:

>>> N([3,5])

To get the weights and thresholds of a network:

>>> N.weights
[array([[2, 0],
       [2, 1],
       [1, 2],
       [0, 2]]), array([[2, 1, 2, 3]])]
>>> N.thresholds
[array([-1,  1, -2,  5]), array([5])]

You can get the ith component of a neural network, which will return another instance of PolynomialNeuralNetwork. In this case, N has output dimension 1, so the 1st component is N itself:

>>> N1 = N.component(1)
>>> N == N1

Converting A ReLU Network to a Tropical Rational Function

To convert a NeuralNetwork object into a TropicalRationalFunction, use the .tropical() method, which returns a list of tropical rational functions (one for each component of the network).

>>> from tropical_reconstruction.examples import NeuralNetworkExampleE
>>> N = NeuralNetworkExampleE.NN
>>> [h] = N.tropical()
>>> h.numerator
6.0x^6.0y^4.0 + 3.0x^2.0y^16.0 + 7.0x^6.0y^12.0 + 8.5x^2.0y^12.0 + 4.5x^4.0y^5.0 + 1.5y^17.0 + 5.5x^4.0y^13.0 + 7.0y^13.0 + 3.5x^6.0y^6.0 + 0.5x^2.0y^18.0 + 4.5x^6.0y^14.0 + 6.0x^2.0y^14.0 + 2.0x^4.0y^7.0 + (-1.0)•y^19.0 + 3.0x^4.0y^15.0 + 4.5y^15.0 + 1.5x^4.0y^8.0 + 0.0x^8.0y^8.0
>>> h.denominator
9.0x^6.0y^4.0 + 6.0x^2.0y^16.0 + 2.0x^6.0y^12.0 + 11.0x^2.0y^12.0 + 7.5x^4.0y^5.0 + 4.5y^17.0 + 0.5x^4.0y^13.0 + 9.5y^13.0 + 6.5x^6.0y^6.0 + 3.5x^2.0y^18.0 + (-0.5)•x^6.0y^14.0 + 8.5x^2.0y^14.0 + 5.0x^4.0y^7.0 + 2.0y^19.0 + (-2.0)•x^4.0y^15.0 + 7.0y^15.0

Converting Between Tropical Polynomials and Polynomial Neural Networks

To convert from a PolynomialNeuralNetwork to a TropicalPolynomial, use the .tropical() method as well. This will return a list of tropical polynomials, one for each component.

>>> from tropical_reconstruction.examples import NeuralNetworkExampleB
>>> N = NeuralNetworkExampleB.NN
>>> [f] = N.tropical()
>>> f
10.0 + (-2.0)•x^4.0y^11.0 + 0.0x^8.0y^11.0 + (-1.0)•x^2.0y^10.0 + (-5.0)•y^6.0 + 13.0x^4.0y^5.0 + 15.0x^8.0y^5.0 + 14.0x^2.0y^4.0 + 16.0x^6.0y^4.0 + 11.0x^6.0y + 12.0x^4.0

We can verify that f and N are pointwise equal using the test_equal function (which samples 10000 points from the domain and checks if f and N are equal at these points).

>>> from tropical_reconstruction.function import test_equal
>>> test_equal(f,N,2)

To convert from a TropicalPolynomial to a PolynomialNeuralNetwork, use the .neural_network() method. This is what uses the main TZLP algorithm, and by default it will print the steps of the algorithm.

>>> from tropical_reconstruction.examples import TropicalExampleB
>>> f = TropicalExampleB.f
>>> N = f.neural_network()
Solving for primal variable x...
Checking that TLP is feasible at x...
Checking that SLP is feasible at x...
Success! Solution to the TZLP:

Once again, we can verify that f and N are pointwise equal:

>>> from tropical_reconstruction.function import test_equal
>>> test_equal(f,N,2)

Zonotope Optimization

Use the script scripts/example_training_run.py to run a sample zonotope optimization run. This generates a random polytope P and runs the optimization algorithm with your specified parameters. For example:

python scripts/example_training_run.py --rank 5 --dimension 2 --steps 5000 --lr 0.01 --multiplicity_thresh 0.98 --render_last

The --rank parameter is the rank of the zonotope. Passing --render_last will generate an image out.png of the final zonotope overlaid on P.

See the vid directory for videos of example runs.


  • Handle architectures of the form (1,n,1) in TropicalPolynomial.neural_network()
  • Implement _get_zonotope method for TropicalPolynomial
  • unit tests
  • better documentation