
Bash network tunnel manager

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Magic Mole

Bash network tunnel manager

Required Packages

  • grep
  • awk
  • sed
  • cat
  • autossh


First start by cloning this repository

cd <your-git-folder>
git clone https://github.com/geodavies/magic-mole.git

Next we need to configure which tunnels you want to use. This script will look for the file example-tunnels.csv for the configuration of the tunnels by default. This location can be changed by updating the location at the top of the script.

The example-tunnels.csv file inside this repository can be used as a starting point but you will likely want to move this somewhere more permanent in the long run. The below commands for your system will move the example-tunnels.csv file to your home directory and change the location in the script. If you already have a tunnels.csv file in your home directory it will be replaced, so make sure you back it up first or skip the second command.


cd magic-mole
cp example-tunnels.csv /home/$USER/tunnels.csv
sed -i 's/^input=.*$/input="\/home\/$USER\/tunnels.csv"/g' magic-mole.sh


cd magic-mole
cp example-tunnels.csv /Users/$USER/tunnels.csv
sed -i '' 's/^input=.*$/input="\/Users\/$USER\/tunnels.csv"/g' magic-mole.sh

You can now execute the script directly from the git repository directory if you choose but you may want to create a symlink to the script so it can be executed from anywhere in the terminal.

sudo ln -s $PWD/magic-mole.sh /usr/local/bin/mm

The script can now be run from anywhere by using the command 'mm'

To have the tunnels start automatically on login, add the following to the bottom of ~/.profile:

mm start

Note this script is currently limited to only make connections to servers which already have the public key of the host being run from configured on the bastion host.


To get usage instructions run the script without any arguments

Usage: [command] [name]
    1: The command to perform on the tunnel (eg. start/stop/restart/status)
    2: (Optional) The name of the tunnel (eg. tunnel-name) or leave empty for all

Tunnels can either be directly referenced by their name (eg. example-tunnel-1) or you can leave it empty to apply the command to all tunnels.

Tunnels can also be referred to by any of their tags. If for example you want to start all tunnels which contain both the dev and example tags then you can run 'mm start dev example'. Note that when starting by tag all tags provided must be present in the spreadsheet record.



mm status example-tunnel-1
Tunnel Name               | Tags                           | IP              | Local Port      | Remote Port     | Bastion                   | Status 
example-tunnel-1          | dev example                    |  | 3000            | 3000            | bill@         | Down           


mm status
Tunnel Name               | Tags                           | IP              | Local Port      | Remote Port     | Bastion                   | Status 
example-tunnel-1          | dev                            |  | 3000            | 3000            | bill@         | Down   
example-tunnel-2          | ci                             | | 9090            | 8080            | ben@          | Down      


mm status example
Tunnel Name               | Tags                           | IP              | Local Port      | Remote Port     | Bastion                   | Status 
example-tunnel-1          | dev example                    |  | 3000            | 3000            | bill@         | Down   
example-tunnel-2          | ci example                     | | 9090            | 8080            | ben@          | Down      
mm status dev
Tunnel Name               | Tags                           | IP              | Local Port      | Remote Port     | Bastion                   | Status 
example-tunnel-1          | dev example                    |  | 3000            | 3000            | bill@         | Down