
PostgreSQL and PostGIS introduction tutorial

Primary LanguageHTML


In this tutorial we will learn:

  • how to add data to a postgreSQL database
  • how to perform a SQL query on the data
  • how to view and edit the data in QGIS

What data will we use?

We are using GIS data from (exercise data is in the data folder):


We aren't going to be using large datasets for efficiency, but the skills you learn can be applied to large datasets and complex queries.

Code snippets

Intersection of tracts and rivers:

SELECT rivers.gnis_name as rivers, count(*) as tracts
	FROM rivers, tracts
	WHERE ST_Intersects(rivers.geom, tracts.geom)
	GROUP BY rivers
  ORDER BY rivers;

Create view of tracts and rivers intersection:

CREATE VIEW tracts_touch_rivers
	AS SELECT rivers.gnis_name as rivers, count(*) as tracts
		FROM rivers, tracts
		WHERE ST_Intersects(rivers.geom, tracts.geom)
		GROUP BY rivers
	  ORDER BY rivers;

Select tracts with more than 500 vacant units:

SELECT id, geom, geoid10, namelsad10, DP0180003  
	FROM tracts WHERE DP0180003 > 500;

Create a table of of tracts with more than 500 vacant units:

CREATE TABLE vacant_units AS
	SELECT id, geom, geoid10, namelsad10, DP0180003  
		FROM tracts WHERE DP0180003 > 500;

Create a buffer of the LA River:

CREATE TABLE lariver_mile_buffer AS
	SELECT ST_Buffer(geom, 5280) AS geom
		FROM rivers
		WHERE gnis_name = 'Los Angeles River';

ALTER TABLE lariver_mile_buffer ADD COLUMN gid serial;
ALTER TABLE lariver_mile_buffer ADD PRIMARY KEY (gid);

Create proportion function:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION proportional_sum(project geometry, base geometry, sumnum double precision)
RETURNS double precision AS

WITH myintersection AS
	(SELECT ST_Intersection(project, base) AS geom),
intarea AS
	(SELECT ST_Area(geom) AS intarea FROM myintersection),
sumarea AS
	(SELECT ST_Area(base) AS sumarea),
proportion AS
	(SELECT intarea / sumarea AS proportion FROM
		intarea CROSS JOIN sumarea)
SELECT sumnum * proportion FROM proportion;


Use proportion function on our data:

WITH proportion AS
	(SELECT river.gid, proportional_sum(river.geom, tracts.geom, tracts.DP0010001) AS populations FROM
		lariver_mile_buffer AS river, tracts as tracts
	WHERE ST_Intersects(river.geom, tracts.geom))
SELECT ROUND(SUM(populations)) AS population FROM proportion
	GROUP BY gid;