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In this tutorial we will learn:
- how to add data to a postgreSQL database
- how to perform a SQL query on the data
- how to view and edit the data in QGIS
We are using GIS data from (exercise data is in the data folder):
- LA County: LA County Streams and Rivers (this has been edited slightly to simplify this exercise. Unnamed streams were removed and all rivers were dissolved by name)
- 2010 Census Tracts: [2010 Census Tracts w/ data]( (LA County has been extracted for this exercise)
We aren't going to be using large datasets for efficiency, but the skills you learn can be applied to large datasets and complex queries.
Intersection of tracts and rivers:
SELECT rivers.gnis_name as rivers, count(*) as tracts
FROM rivers, tracts
WHERE ST_Intersects(rivers.geom, tracts.geom)
GROUP BY rivers
ORDER BY rivers;
Create view of tracts and rivers intersection:
CREATE VIEW tracts_touch_rivers
AS SELECT rivers.gnis_name as rivers, count(*) as tracts
FROM rivers, tracts
WHERE ST_Intersects(rivers.geom, tracts.geom)
GROUP BY rivers
ORDER BY rivers;
Select tracts with more than 500 vacant units:
SELECT id, geom, geoid10, namelsad10, DP0180003
FROM tracts WHERE DP0180003 > 500;
Create a table of of tracts with more than 500 vacant units:
CREATE TABLE vacant_units AS
SELECT id, geom, geoid10, namelsad10, DP0180003
FROM tracts WHERE DP0180003 > 500;
Create a buffer of the LA River:
CREATE TABLE lariver_mile_buffer AS
SELECT ST_Buffer(geom, 5280) AS geom
FROM rivers
WHERE gnis_name = 'Los Angeles River';
ALTER TABLE lariver_mile_buffer ADD COLUMN gid serial;
ALTER TABLE lariver_mile_buffer ADD PRIMARY KEY (gid);
Create proportion function:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION proportional_sum(project geometry, base geometry, sumnum double precision)
RETURNS double precision AS
WITH myintersection AS
(SELECT ST_Intersection(project, base) AS geom),
intarea AS
(SELECT ST_Area(geom) AS intarea FROM myintersection),
sumarea AS
(SELECT ST_Area(base) AS sumarea),
proportion AS
(SELECT intarea / sumarea AS proportion FROM
intarea CROSS JOIN sumarea)
SELECT sumnum * proportion FROM proportion;
Use proportion function on our data:
WITH proportion AS
(SELECT river.gid, proportional_sum(river.geom, tracts.geom, tracts.DP0010001) AS populations FROM
lariver_mile_buffer AS river, tracts as tracts
WHERE ST_Intersects(river.geom, tracts.geom))
SELECT ROUND(SUM(populations)) AS population FROM proportion