A parallel, extensible finite element code to simulate convection in both 2D and 3D models.
- 4
Inconsistency in the meaning of "phase_index" in source/material_model/
#6140 opened by lhy11009 - 1
How to integrating melt model and visco-plastic model?
#6173 opened by 3Faker3 - 2
broken reference to fieldstone
#6183 opened by tjhei - 2
Spack builder (and other compile errors)
#6195 opened by markyoder - 3 links to 404 /projects/2
#6182 opened by tjhei - 1
Finish conversion of documentation to Sphinx
#6178 opened by gassmoeller - 1
- 8
Solution divergence between different combinations of linear and nonlinear solver schemes
#6046 opened by naliboff - 2
Winkler foundation boundary condition?
#6149 opened by ricitron - 5
- 6
pdf manual on zenodo
#6127 opened by tjhei - 6
Continental extension cookbook fails with gmg solver
#6002 opened by MFraters - 1
Not converging cookbooks
#5900 opened by gassmoeller - 15
Installation using precompiled Trilinos
#6109 opened by Yidali26 - 1
build failure in tensor with deal.II master
#6128 opened by tjhei - 3
Are deprecation warnings disabled?
#6106 opened by gassmoeller - 5
"Shrinking" spherical shell
#6114 opened by Minerallo - 11
Striping the file
#6035 opened by lhy11009 - 5
- 5
Use of mismatched enum types.
#6101 opened by bangerth - 2
- 5
Assistance Needed with LAPACK Build Issue on Peloton
#6048 opened by lhy11009 - 6
Potential Modification to PhaseFunction Interface Regarding Composition Fields
#6053 opened by lhy11009 - 2
Do we *need* to always compute eigenvalues in SolverCG?
#6074 opened by bangerth - 4
Build ASPECT in 'release mode only' causes external plugins to not compile
#6017 opened by gassmoeller - 0
- 2
A talk for subduction model
#6071 opened by 3Faker3 - 0
make it obvious what Stokes solver is used
#6056 opened by tjhei - 4
Building issue with mpi not found by the CMakeLists.txt
#6050 opened by lhy11009 - 2
Odd Behaviour When Using the `cut timestep size` Nonlinear solver failure strategy
#6049 opened by danieldouglas92 - 1
Document default boundary condition for Stokes solve
#6031 opened by naliboff - 0
add documentation about different docker images
#6036 opened by tjhei - 0
- 0
Fix spherical unit vectors documentation
#6032 opened by bobmyhill - 3
MPI error installation main
#6009 opened by anne-glerum - 4
Deformed cell for 3D mesh deformation in release mode
#5980 opened by anne-glerum - 8
deal.II-v9.5.2 missing bundled directory
#5988 opened by rbrtmch - 1
Fixed compositional field (and temperature) boundary conditions on deforming boundaries
#5994 opened by anne-glerum - 4
Warning: handling deprecated packages
#5986 opened by LukasvdWiel - 0
Move FastScape restarting functionality into the ASPECT checkpointing framework
#5989 opened by anne-glerum - 0
Test viscoplastic material model
#5983 opened by bobmyhill - 0
An error and its solution "bash: /home/ubuntu/aspect/aspect: No such file or directory"
#5979 opened by Xjchen0 - 5
Update to particle composition
#5967 opened by vaturino - 1
Modify Stress limiter in VP?
#5961 opened by bobmyhill - 2
random failure in tests/world_builder_select_grains
#5947 opened by tjhei - 1
aspect.release vs aspect-release
#5938 opened by tjhei - 0
Make Peierls approximation more efficient
#5945 opened by bobmyhill - 4
Symlink for aspect-release
#5923 opened by tjhei - 0
- 0
move AdvectionField out of Simulator
#5887 opened by tjhei