PyLith is a finite element code for the solution of dynamic and quasi-static tectonic deformation problems.
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Fault orientation is inconsistent again (v4.1.2 okay, but not v4.1.3 or later)
#771 opened by baagaard-usgs - 0
pylith generates an MPI error if run offline
#770 opened by baagaard-usgs - 0
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HDF5 write fails on some systems with NFS
#753 opened by baagaard-usgs - 2
Add check for extra vertices, edges, faces, not connected to anything else in mesh
#747 opened by baagaard-usgs - 0
Improve resolution of slip plot in examples/strikeslip-2d/step04_varslip
#765 opened by baagaard-usgs - 0
Add mesh from Gmsh to magma-2d example
#730 opened by baagaard-usgs - 0
Add documentation for troubleshooting mesh generation with Gmsh and Cubit
#762 opened by baagaard-usgs - 0
Expand example suite to build in complexity
#761 opened by baagaard-usgs - 0
Enable output of traction change on fault for FaultCohesiveImpulses (Green's functions)
#748 opened by baagaard-usgs - 2
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Files missing for subduction-3d in source distribution (and binary package)
#755 opened by baagaard-usgs - 0
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Reorganize layout of output HDF5 files
#724 opened by baagaard-usgs - 2
Cohesive cells are not forced to have a consistent orientation in v4.0.0, 4.1.0, or v4.1.1
#750 opened by baagaard-usgs - 1
Improve pylith_viz user interface
#712 opened by baagaard-usgs - 0
- 1
File name fix
#744 opened by keelwilde - 9
PyLith and GPUs and accelerators
#726 opened by chai-debug - 1
Quick typo fix
#742 opened by keelwilde - 0
Release 4.1.0 checklist
#713 opened by baagaard-usgs - 1
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Errors in documentation for reverse-2d example
#735 opened by baagaard-usgs - 0
Fix typos in documentation
#733 opened by baagaard-usgs - 0
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Set default quadrature order to maximum of basis order in solution subfields
#728 opened by baagaard-usgs - 2
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Variable point block Jacobian preconditioner for fault fails with basis order 2
#701 opened by baagaard-usgs - 0
Add examples and documentation for quasi-static time stepping algorithms
#721 opened by baagaard-usgs - 0
Add documentation on preconditioners
#720 opened by baagaard-usgs - 0
Add more documentation on using Pythia journals
#719 opened by baagaard-usgs - 0
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The quadrature order *must* the same for all solution and auxiliary subfields?
#708 opened by sungho91 - 6
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Permission Issues with PyLith 4.0 on M1 MacBook
#706 opened by sungho91 - 0
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Simulation for strike-slip fault with step over (pull-apart basin dan push-up ranges)
#692 opened by DianKusumawati - 0
Creating the mesh for Gmsh files is slow
#690 opened by baagaard-usgs - 0
Add sections to change log
#685 opened by baagaard-usgs - 0
Add ORCIDs for contributors
#686 opened by baagaard-usgs - 4
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Update mesh partitioning to ensure fault split is compatible with preconditioner
#683 opened by baagaard-usgs - 2
Segmentation fault in DMCreateMatrix_Plex()
#684 opened by baagaard-usgs - 1
Fatal error. Calling MPI_Abort() to abort PyLith application (version: pylith 4.0.0, examples:/box-3d)
#680 opened by sheyu921