
A To Do one-page application, which records and displays tasks. Built with JavaScript, Node.js, React, MongoDB, Bootstrap.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


NoTryOnlyDo is a to do list one-page application, which records and displays tasks.

Live at: https://notryonlydo.herokuapp.com/

Built with JavaScript, Node.js, React, MongoDB, Bootstrap.

Tasks are displayed in two columns, To do and Done, ordered by due date in ascending order. The overdue tasks are displayed in yellow.

Final Product

"Screenshot of NoTryOnlyDo home page"

Getting Started

  1. Create a MongoDB database and fill out the config/.env
  2. Update the .env file with your correct local information
  3. Install dependencies: npm i in both root and client folders
  4. Open terminal for server and launch server with npm start from application root folder
  5. Open a second terminal for client and launch client with npm start from client foledr
  6. The application will run at http://localhost:3000/