
A player aid for A Fake Artist Goes to New York that eliminates the need for a Question master and lets everyone participate.

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A Fake Artist Goes to New York


This player aid for A Fake Artist Goes to New York eliminates the need for a Question master and lets everyone participate.

This code powers https://fake-artist.herokuapp.com - where you can play the game.

It is based on Evan Brumley's Spyfall game.

The original boardgame at BoardGameGeek: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/135779/fake-artist-goes-new-york

Running Your Copy

Feel free to contact me if you want help running your own instance. I have more detailed explnation of how to deploy the app in the works.

First step - clone this repo.

Install Meteor by running: curl https://install.meteor.com/ | sh

Set the following to workaround the expired Meteor SSL certificate: export NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0

If you want to use your own MongoDB set environment variable: export DB_URI=mongodb+srv://your_mongo_instance

Set the URL of your applciation: export ROOT_URL=https://your-url.com

And finally run the following in the directory you have clone the repository: meteor


The translation has two parts: the user interface and the words list. The words lists are in the \lib\ directory. to add a new wordlist you should add it in main.js in the getRandomWordAndCategory(); The UI translations are in the \i18n\ directory. To add a new UI translation simply copy the English (en.i18n.json), rename the file prefix with the language code you want to translate and change the translated strings on the right side.


I can code but can't draw, so all the art of the game come from the artists of The Noun Project Art by Will Deskins from the Noun Project Fake Mustache by Claire Jones from the Noun Project Salvador Dali by Simon Child from the Noun Project
