
Typescript client for the Nomad orchestrator

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This generator creates TypeScript/JavaScript client that utilizes fetch-api.


To build and compile the typescript sources to javascript use:

npm install
npm run build


First build the package then run npm publish


Navigate to the folder of your consuming project and run one of the following commands.


npm install nomad-typescript --save

unPublished (not recommended):

npm install PATH_TO_GENERATED_PACKAGE --save


Below code snippet shows exemplary usage of the configuration and the API based on the typical PetStore example used for OpenAPI.

import * as your_api from 'nomad-typescript'

// Covers all auth methods included in your OpenAPI yaml definition
const authConfig: your_api.AuthMethodsConfiguration = {
    "api_key": "YOUR_API_KEY"

// Implements a simple middleware to modify requests before (`pre`) they are sent
// and after (`post`) they have been received 
class Test implements your_api.Middleware {
    pre(context: your_api.RequestContext): Promise<your_api.RequestContext> {
        // Modify context here and return
        return Promise.resolve(context);

    post(context: your_api.ResponseContext): Promise<your_api.ResponseContext> {
        return Promise.resolve(context);


// Create configuration parameter object
const configurationParameters = {
    httpApi: new your_api.JQueryHttpLibrary(), // Can also be ignored - default is usually fine
    baseServer: your_api.servers[0], // First server is default
    authMethods: authConfig, // No auth is default
    promiseMiddleware: [new Test()],

// Convert to actual configuration
const config = your_api.createConfiguration(configurationParameters);

// Use configuration with your_api
const api = new your_api.PetApi(config);
your_api.Pet p = new your_api.Pet();
p.name = "My new pet";
p.photoUrls = [];
p.tags = [];
p.status = "available";
Promise<your_api.Pet> createdPet = api.addPet(p);