
sequelize express backend for Hogwarts students and houses

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a simple Express/Sequelize backend for demonstrating the following concepts:

  • initializing and setting up a simple server with a database
  • Express routing and middleware
  • using Sequelize to define models and generate SQL queries
  • using Promises in conjunction with server routing

The example uses a seed script with students and houses from Harry Potter to establish a starting point. From there, start the server, add some more students, assign them points, and determine a House Cup winner!

The code in this repository should be considered a rough goal for starting from scratch (empty directory) and working through creating a simple backend step-by-step. This can be accomplished with the following workflow:

  • npm init

    • look at bare-bones package.json
    • add start script: "nodemon app.js"
  • create app.js file

    • require express, install and save, initialize app
    • tell app to listen on 1337
    • try pinging server from browser, Cannot GET, how do we know it's working?
    • set up logging middleware, install/save/use volleyball
    • app.get('/', (req, res) => res.send('Welcome to Hogwarts'));
  • create 'models' directory, w/ index and db files

  • in db.js, require/save/install sequelize/pg/pg-hstore, initialize db

    • psql: create database hogwarts;
    • export db
  • create house.js and student.js files

    • define and export House model
    • define and export Student model
  • define associations in index.js

  • copy seed.js file and run, show db after

  • define student birthdate virtual

  • define student instance method

  • define student beforeCreate hook

  • define house class method: getHouseCupLeader

  • define GET /students and GET /houses in app.js

  • refactor to use separate route files

  • use query filtering with where and include

  • define error handling middleware in app.js:

    • talk about function.length and invoking next(err)
  • define GET /students/:studentId

  • define POST /students

    • body-parsing middleware
    • show Postman or curl
  • define GET /houses/leader

    • use class method