
I was playing around with the input type="file", especially on a mobile website. This will received an upload, resize it to a max of 800x600 as well as scale it, and then save it localStorage.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Pic My Upload

I was playing around with the <input type="file" />, especially on a mobile website. This will receive a picture, resize it to a max of 800x600, as well as scale it, and then save it localStorage.

If someone could style it better that'd be awesome. I'm not a huge fan of that.


Working example here: https://pic-my-upload.surge.sh/


Clone it, run 'gulp', then upload the 'dist' directory somewhere.



I don't know... there's nothing special here, I don't really care if you go off and make $6 billion. So use it however you want without any restrictions.