A kdtree is a data structure for quickly finding out what objects in space intersect with a given query volume.
This implements a read-only n-dimensional kdtree that can contain boxes as well as points.
Read-only means that you build the kdtree once on a large set of data, and query many times on that data set. Once the kdtree is built, you can't add objects to it. This could be extended, but it's all I need for the moment.
N-dimensional means that the kdtree works on 2D-spaces (like road maps), a 3D spaces, and higher dimensional spaces. At higher dimensions, spatial querying makes less and less sense though.
The objects in the kdtree can be boxes as well as points. I don't know why, but many of the implementations I've can only contain points.
The kdtree can be written to a file. This can be a text file, or, if you're using LuaJIT, and have ljsycall and lua-mmapfile, a binary file.
git clone git@github.com:geoffleyland/lua-kdtree.git
cd lua-kdtree
make install
or, once the rockspec's up luarocks install kdtree
. Then:
local kdtree = require"kdtree"
local my_objects = -- make some objects
local function my_bounds(o, min, max)
min[1], min[2] = o.left, o.bottom
max[1], max[2] = o.right, o.top
return min, max
local tree = kdtree.build(my_bounds, 2, my_objects)
for o in tree:query({1, 1}, {2, 2}) do
print("Found", tostring(o))
Lua >= 5.1 or LuaJIT >= 2.0.0, ljsyscall and lua-mapfile for binary file io.
- The argument list to
is horrible. - It would be good to be able to hold object ids (64 bit integers) directly
- in the tree.
- Read-write kdtrees?
- A bit of speed work using leaf and node bounds (a few experiments with these didn't make much progress)
- SQLite and PostGres have spatial indexing capabilities. This library running with LuaJIT seems to be about twice as fast at querying as SQLite (on a cheap, nasty, nonrepresentative benchmark)