Simple project to set/change the date, and time, of a file, or files...
It works somewhat like the unix touch
command, supporting a -r ref-file
, and -d 20120101
The --help
says it all -
Informatique Rouge - SET FILE DATE/TIME UTILITY - 13 May, 2020
Usage: DateFile [Options] FileSpec [filespec...]
Options: Each preceeded by '-' or '/', and space delimited
-? This brief help, and exit.
-ddd:mm:yyyy Date to use for update.
-thh:mm:ss Time to use for update. Use only 24 hour time.
-rRefFile Reference file, used for update date and time.
-s Use system time for update date and time.
-u Update chosen files (Def=Off)
-v[n] Verbosity. Range 0-9. (Def=1)
Multiple file specifications can be given, including wild cards, '*' or '?'
If the file spec is a DIRECTORY, all files in that directory will be processed.
Note, the -u
options must be given, and even then it will ask for a Y/N confirmation...
20200513 - 20070330 - 20140819