In WIN32/WIN64, a GUI application to display and solve a Sudoku puzzle. Certainly not perfect, and NOT complete... else as a simple console app...
A little history. Up until circa 2012, my only involvement in Sudoku was to occasionally do the puzzle while sitting on the toilet ;=))
So decide why not try to write an eduational type program in C/C++, to solve Sudoku step by step. This was before I had found lots of sites, or done any other reading on internet...
It started as a windows app, and can solve a large number of puzzles. Of course by that I mean using ONLY the same logic used by humans... Yes, it can solve every puzzle by brute force trial and error, but that is NOT what it is all about...
So I started looking around for puzzles it can NOT solve, and then try to work out a strategy to get through it...
Then there was a 2/3 year delay before I decided to revive the project by adding a CMakeLists.txt, and a build
folder to do the out-of-source build, and putting it in this repo...
If you have your build tools setup, then the simple build steps are :-
- cd build
- cmake .. [OPTIONS]
- cmake --build . --config Release
Of course, alteratively the cmake GUI can be used, and then the MSVC IDE can also be used to build the project. There is also a build-me.bat which may be useful...
The examples
folder contains a considerable list of sample
files which can be loaded. Or you can manually setup the puzzle from say a magazine and try to solve it... using the menu ->
Options ->
Solve!, or One Step, or simply selecting a square and entering a number manually...
In unix can only build a console app... have not yet chosen what GUI library to use... This console app, Sudo-con, can also be built in WIN32 using the option -DBUILD_WIN32_EXE:BOOL=OFF.
It uses the SAME OpenSudoku library as the WIN32 GUI app. It will read a text file in several formats (txt,csv,sdk,xml) and proceed to auto-solve it, if it can!
The idea in building it into an OpenSudoku library is to build a library of API services that can be used to analyse any given box, and provide a set of C/C++ strategies that ultimately solve the puzzle.
This is an ongoing effort, and would welcome collaborators, contributors, people who want to assist in this.
Clone the repo, make a fix, and present it as a Pull Request, or a simple diff file, and it will be considered.
The main thing is have FUN!
20150801 - 20150723
; eof