
The official Github repository for the National Science Bowl Association Website.

Primary LanguagePug


The official Github repository for the National Science Bowl Association Website.

Website Structure

When a new request comes in at /url, it goes to ./bin/www, which is listening for requests. That will call app.js, which routes the request to the correct router. The router gets the required resources to display the correct page, and then sends a rendered html file to the user.

  • router may call database.js to get resources or authentication.js to authenticate
  • views/url contains the page that the user is looking at

api calls (which begin with /api/) go to the api router, which itself may call database.js or authentication.js

Adding New Page:

  • create new file at routes/page-name.js
  • update router on app.js
  • create new file at views/page-name.js

Database Structure

The main principle behind the design of the database is that reading is much more common than writing.

  • reads occur every time a user visits the website
  • writes only occur when a username or team name changes
user = {
    _id: user_id,
    firstName: first_name,
    lastName: last_name,
    email: email,
    discord: discord,
    grade: grade,       // A string. Common values include 'Freshman', 'Sophomore', 'Junior', 'Senior', or 'College'
    role: role,         // 'Player', 'GM', or 'Admin'
    username: username,
    password: password, // salted and hashed base-64 number
    team: team_name,
    bio: {
        generalBio: string,
        experience: string,
        competitions: string,
        textbooks: string
    eligible: true/false,
    draftPick: draft_pick # what number draft pick the player was drafted at

team = {
    _id: team_id,
    gm: gm_name,
    name: team_name,
    players: [usernames...],
    draft_picks: [ draft_pick['_id'] ... ]

draft_pick = {
    _id: draft_number,
    gm: gm_name,
    player: player_name,
    team: team_name

mock_draft = {
    _id: draft_number,
    player: player_name,
    player_id: player_id

result = {
    _id: game_number, // calculated from `week_number*matchups.length + matchups.indexOf(this_game)`, but not guaranteed
    week: week_number,
    tuh: tossups_heard,
    home: {
        name: home_team_name,
        score: points_scored,
        bonus: bonus_points,
        players: {
            player_1 (username): {
                tuh: tossups_heard,
                points: num_points,
                statline: [4s, 0s, -4s]
            }, ...
    away: {
        name: away_team_name,
        score: points_scored,
        bonus: bonus_points,
        players: {
            player_1 (username): {
                tuh: tossups_heard,
                points: num_points,
                statline: [4s, 0s, -4s]
            }, ...

schedule = {
    _id: week_number,
    week: week_number,
    matchups: [
        [home_team_name, away_team_name],
    dates: [start_date, end_date] // [string, string]