A demonstration showing how to build an integration with the MINDBODY SOAP API using Python 3 and Django 1.8.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

MINDBODY Django Demo

A demonstration showing how to build an integration with the MINDBODY SOAP API using Python 3 and Django 1.8. I did this in my spare time, so bugs are likely. I'll try to fix them as I find them.


Initial Setup - Linux

(If someone wants to make a quick setup for windows, that would be helpful.)

Step 1. Create a virtual environment in the root of the project folder

virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.4 venv

Step 2. Activate the virtual environment

. venv/bin/activate

Step 3. Install required modules using pip

pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 4. Populate the mboapi_djangodemo/SECRETS.py file with your credentials

SOURCENAME = 'yoursourcename'  #SourceName to be used in all API Calls in this project
SOURCEPASS = 'yoursourcepass'  #SourceName Password to be used in all API calls

# (this should be populated from some other place, not hard coded.  However, since this is just a demonstration, you can of course plop them in here and make API calls until the cows come home.)

USERNAME = 'youruser'  
USERPASS = 'yourpass'  # staff credentials, etc

# SiteIDs to be used in all API Calls - should ALWAYS match for SourceCredentials and UserCredentials nodes.  If you are new to the MINDBODY API, you should probably use site ID -99 until you have everything coded the way you like it.  Otherwise, charges could be incurred.
SITEIDs = []

# optional stuff if you have a mail service.  handles contact form stuff, and whatever else the developer decides to hook up.  Form for comments is disabled because I didn't want anyone abusing it.

MAIL_SERVER_ADMIN = ''  #email address of mail administrator

# !!!!!! DO NOT FORGET TO SET THIS!!!!!!  
# This is what protects your session data, cookies, etc.  Very important that it's STRONG!

Step 5. If all the modules installed, you should be able to fire up the application.

######While in your virtual environment, run

python3 manage.py syncdb
python3 manage.py runserver

Step 6. Once the application is running, browse to localhost:8000 to see the results.