
html starter kit (gulp, sass, css grid)

Primary LanguageCSS


A boilerplate for building websites and WordPress themes


Sass + CSS Grid + Gulp + Browser-sync + More

  • Sass makes writing CSS easier and faster
  • responsive 12-column CSS flexbox grid for layouts
  • Gulp optimizes your images, javascripts and CSS
  • Browser-sync reloads your browser when you save files
  • IE10+


  1. bower install https://github.com/geoffyuen/hotplate-edge.git && mv bower_components/hotplate-edge/* .
  2. npm install
  3. gulp

Folder Structure

  • src contains scss, js and img/* images
    • style.scss compliles to ./style.css
    • sass/* should contain all your sass files
    • js/* concats and minifies to ./js/main.js and ./js/main.min.js
    • img/* optimized to ./img
    • sprites/*.svg for svg icons compiles to /img/spritesheet.svg
  • ./ should contain your html/php/twig files
  • js will contain your javascript. You should also put any vendor scripts in here
  • img will contain any optimized png, jpg and spritesheets

Gulp will perform the following tasks:

  • Sass compilation
  • Autoprefixer
  • Sourcemapping
  • Browsersync
  • js concatenation + uglify
  • png and jpg optimization
  • svg spriting

Web Server Configuration

Are you already running a webserver? (MAMP, Docker, Vagrant, etc):

Open the gulpfile.js. Edit the variables:

  • localurl = "yourlocalurl" - eg. MAMP: localurl = "localhost:8888/yourprojectfolder"
  • iamrunningaserver = true

You're not running a web server?

Open the gulpfile.js. Edit the variable:

  • iamrunningaserver = false

Running gulp will start a webserver (using Browser-sync).


  • inspired by Skeleton and Bootstrap, included with this boilerplate.
  • rowless, meaning that you can insert countless columns inside a wrapper element. The columns will wrap to a "newline" if it's not able to fit on the current "row". This produces much less structural and unsemantic markup with typical float based grids like Bootstrap, Foundation, Bourbon, etc. Clearfixes are also not needed.
  • you get equal height columns, can apply coloured backgrounds and custom padding to your columns.

Quickstart to using the grid

Three columns:

<div class="wrapper">
	<div class="col-4"></div>
	<div class="col-4"></div>
	<div class="col-4"></div>

Two rows of three columns:

<div class="wrapper">
	<div class="col-4"></div>
	<div class="col-4"></div>
	<div class="col-4"></div>
	<div class="col-4"></div>
	<div class="col-4"></div>
	<div class="col-4"></div>

Header, content area, sidebar and footer:

<div class="wrapper">
	<header class="col-12"></header>
	<section class="col-8"></section>
	<aside class="col-4"></aside>
	<footer class="col-12"></footer>


The use the classes below in your html to layout pages. Use the varibles in your Sass files to perform media queries using the media or undermedia mixins.

Width Class Sass Var
1140px col-xl-* $xl
960px col-lg-* $lg
768px col-md-* or col-* $md
620px col-sm-* $sm
480px col-xs-* $xs
default col-xxs-* $xxs

The * denotes number from 1-12. Combine the column classes on an element to change it's width depending on how wide the browser viewport is.

HTML Example:

<div class="wrapper">
	<div class="col-xxs-6 col-md-12 col-xl-4"></div>

The column above will display at half-width column on mobile, full width at tablet and then down to a third-width column widescreen monitor.

Responsive mixins:

@include media() {
	your rules go here;

This translates to:

@media (min-width: 768px) {
	your rules are here;

If you want a specific breakpoint pass one of the breakpoint variables or your own (in ems, px, etc):

@include media($sm) {
	your rules go here;
@include media(5em) {
	your rules go here;

To write media queries below a breakpoint:

@include undermedia($lg) {
	your rules go here;

This translates to:

@media (max-width: 959px) {
	your rules are here;