
code, crop simulation files, and data for manuscript

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Deines, Kendall, Butler, Basson, & Hyndman 2019

Model files, derived data, and analysis code

18 April 2020
Code by: Jillian Deines
Contact: jillian.deines@gmail.com



All data needed to reproduce the figures and results presented in the manuscript can be found in the data folder.

Data included

  • data/SALUS_output: SALUS crop model output for the simulations used for the yield validation, BAU, and LEMA scenarios. Results files were generated from raw SALUS output with the template script code/salus_hpcc/processing/03.70_salusResultsProcesser_rawToSpatial.R; model specific run files can be found in SALUS_model/model_scenarios
  • data/tabular: Data from USDA NASS, including crop type summaries, state yields, and commodity prices
  • data/tabular/wellData: Data on groundwater pumping derived from the WIMAS database maintained by the Kansas Division of Water Resources


  • Code to perform all paper analyses and generate figures in the paper

Script filenames are numbered in sequential order of use. Processing is done using R Markdown within an R project structure. Operational scripts have extension .Rmd; knitted outputs in .md (for easing viewing on Github) and .html (for desktop viewing) are also provided.


Figure output from scripts used to generate figures in the main text.

SALUS model

Materials to run the SALUS simulations. Includes:

  • XML input files, including crop database parameters (cdb.xml), soil properties derived from gSSURGO (KS.sdb.xml), and weather data (wdb.xml's inside the tar.gz)
  • Cell-based crop rotation experiments defined in 1_Experiments_SD6_top7_aimhpa_20180618.rds
  • Scripts to generate batch model runs for execution on a High Performance Computer Cluster for the model scenarios presented in the manuscript, including the baseline yield validation (0018_thetaC), business-as-usual BAU scenario (0054_thetaC), and LEMA scenario (0086_thetaC). Scenario folders include crop parameters to be used when generating individual SALUS simulations, including annual planting dates derived from NASS median statistics as well as irrigation parameters