Scripts used to generate results as published in the journal Nature Climate Change titled 'Climate change impacts on renewable energy supply'.
ISIMIP calculation steps with scripts
- Downloaded data from ISIMIP server
---- data_prep/ISIMIP
- Convert_RCPx_mms_to_m3s(_2050)(_hist): converts it to m3/s averages for 30yrs
- downscaleR_monthly_ISIMIP(_2050).m: downscales global 0.5x0.5deg runoff data to 15s continental data per month
- DownscaleQ_ISIMIP: routes the runoff to discharge maps
---- Analysis/ISIMIP
- ISIMIP_GetNewQs(_Exis).m: Saves the new discharge values based on the lat/lon locations from a Hydrus run and the downscaled discharge maps
- ISIMIP_recalc(_Exis): Takes the new discharge values and recalculates the energy potential