
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

This file has been created as a sample linear regression. Below is a summary of the process:

1. Pandas Profiling:

  • Frequency Distribution
  • Outliers
  • Identify Potential Variable Aggregates
  • Identify Potential Joint Variables

2. Analysis/Creation of Summary Tables:

  • Daily Aggregated
    • Aggregated Monthly, Daily, Weekly, Quarterly
    • Moving Averages
    • Seasonality
    • Correlation Matrix
    • Time Series outliers
    • Identify Potential time related dummies
  • Customer/User Aggregate
    • Return vs New
    • Grouping based on monetary value
    • Correlation Matrix##### Category Aggregates
    • Min/Max of category
    • Correlation Matrix
  • Category Aggregates
    • Outliers
    • Identify Potential Dummy Variables
    • Identify aggregates with a numerical variables

3. Transformation & Feature Selection

  • Transformations
    • General Transformations:
      • Log Transformation
      • Clipping
        • Quantile
        • Both upper and lower?
      • Scaling
        • Min Max Normalization
        • Standard Scaler
        • Robust Scaler
    • Time Variables
      • Varaibles created from differences in two dates
      • Choose date granularity
      • Timezone
    • Monetary Variables
      • Remove signs, comma
      • Round
  • Feature Selection

4. Model

  • Train, Test Split
  • Run in stats model
  • Check Summary Table
    • P-values
    • r2
    • f stat
  • Check for OLS Assumptions
    • No Multicollinearity
    • Normality & Homoskadasiticty
    • No Autocorrelation
    • No Endogeneity
  • Check against test
  • Plot pred v acutal
  • Check RSME, MAE

5. Model Iteration:

  • Add/Remove Variable?
  • Combine Variable?
  • Run Model on Different Granularity?
  • Transform Variable?
    • Log
    • Normalize
    • Standardize
    • Square Root
    • Absolute