This repository contains the sources to construct
This site uses Docusaurus.
First, download and install Node. Verify that your installation was successful by invoking:
$ node -v
Second, download the sources for this site from
Make sure you are in the "source" branch, not the "main" branch.
Third, change directories into the repo directory and install third party libraries with:
$ npm install
up to date, audited 1162 packages in 13s
205 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
27 vulnerabilities (9 moderate, 18 high)
To address issues that do not require attention, run:
npm audit fix
To address all issues (including breaking changes), run:
npm audit fix --force
Run `npm audit` for details.
The current security problems are unfortunate. Hopefully the Docusaurus folks will clean this up soon.
To run the site locally, invoke:
$ npm start
> geogardenclub@1.0.0 start
> docusaurus start
Starting the development server...
Docusaurus website is running at "http://localhost:3000/".
✔ Client
Compiled successfully in 8.57s
client (webpack 5.64.1) compiled successfully
The site should shortly appear at http://localhost:3000.
To simplify things for now, anyone can edit the sources, but Philip will be in charge of deployment. This means that deployment has the following steps:
Commit and push your changes to the source (i.e. the source
Tell Philip you've made changes to the sources.
To deploy the site, make sure that GIT_USER is set and that you have commit privileges to the repo, then invoke:
npm run deploy
This builds the static HTML and commits the results to the main
branch of the repository.