
Code repository for the paper "Reinforcement Learning based Process Optimization and Strategy Development in Conventional Tunneling" by G.H. Erharter, T.F. Hansen, Z. Liu and T. Marcher

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Tunnel automation with Reinforcement Learning - TunnRL

This repository contains the codes for the paper:

Reinforcement learning based process optimization and strategy development in conventional tunneling

by Georg H. Erharter, Tom F. Hansen, Zhongqiang Liu and Thomas Marcher

published in Automation in Construction (Vol. 127; July 2021)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.autcon.2021.103701

The paper was published as part of a collaboration on Machine Learning between the Institute of Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling (Graz University of Technology) and the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI) in Oslo.

Requirements and folder structure

Use the requirements.txt file to download the required packages to run the code. We recommend using a package management system like conda for this purpose.

Code and folder structure set up

The code framework depends on a certain folder structure. The python files should be placed in the main directory. The set up should be done in the following way:

├── 02_plots
│   └── tmp
├── 04_checkpoints
├── 06_results
│   └── tmp
├── 00_main.py
├── 02_model_tester.py
├── 04_analyzer.py
├── A_utilities.py
├── B_generator.py
├── C_geotechnician.py
├── D_tunnel.py
└── E_plotter.py

Either set up the folder structure manually or on Linux run:

bash folder_structure.sh

Code description

  • 00_main.py ... is the main executing file
  • 02_model_tester.py ... file that runs and tests individual checkpoints of already trained model for further analysis
  • 04_analyzer.py ... file that analyzes and visualizes the performance of agents tested with 02_model_tester.py
  • A_utilities.py ... is a library containing useful functions that do not directly belong to the environment or the agent
  • B_generator.py ... part of the environment that generates a new geology for every episode
  • C_geotechnician.py ... part of the environment that evaluates the stability and also contains the RL agent itself
  • D_tunnel.py ... part of the environment that handles the rewards and updates the progress of the excavation
  • E_plotter.py ... plotting functionalities to visualize the training progress or render episodes

Pseudo - code for the utilized DQN-algorithm

(inspired by Deeplizard)

  • A. Initialize replay memory capacity ("un-correlates" the otherwise sequential correlated input)
  • B. Inititalize the policy-ANN (keeps the optimal approximated Q-function) with random weights
  • C. Clone the policy-ANN to a second target-ANN that is used for computing $ Q^* $ in $Q^*(s,a) - Q(s,a) = loss$
  • D. For each episode:
    1. Initialize the starting state (not resetting the weights)
    2. For each time step:
      • Select an action after an epsilon-greedy strategy (exploitation or exploration)
      • Execute the selected action in and emulator
      • Observe reward and next state
      • Store experience (a tuple of old-state, action, reward, new-state) in replay memory
      • Sample a random batch from replay memory
      • Preprocess all states (an array of values) from batch
      • Pass batch of preprocessed states and next-states to policy-ANN and target-ANN. Predict Q-values for both ANN's.
      • Calculate loss between output Q-values from policy-ANN and target-ANN
      • Standard gradient descent with back propagation updates weights in the policy-ANN to minimize loss. Every xxx timestep the weights in the target-ANN is updated with weights from the policy-ANN


Besides other references given in the paper, we especially want to highlight the Reinforcement Learning with Python tutorial series of Sentdex which served as a basis for the agent in C_geotechnician.py.