Want to do well on Atari100k (pip install gym[atari] autorom[accept-rom-license]
), though BSuite (pip install bsuite
) looks interesting too.
This is designed to run on a tinybox, either red or green, with just ./
- Run to train a model that plays Pong
- Get that model loaded into tinygrad and running, both the policy model and decoder
- Get fine tuning working
- Get full training working
Might be a better choice, the repo is a lot easier to read.
Three models:
- actor_critic (two copies, model and target_model)
- world_model
- transformer takes in (frames_emb x1, act_tokens_emb x1, latents_emb x4) x many
- frame_cnn (FrameEncoder), output 4 channels
- tokenizer
- frame_cnn (FrameEncoder), output 16 channels
- encoder is 7 channels, 3 for prev_frame, 1 for action, and 3 for frame (FrameEncoder), output 64 channels for quantizer
- decoder is 84 channels, 16 for prev_frame, 4 for action, and 64 for latents. it outputs an image (FrameDecoder)
- quantizer
- Happens in three distinct phases
- First, tokenizer is trained. It outputs 4 (from a vocab of 1024, codebook dim of 64) tokens per delta image
- q = encoder(img_0, encoder_act_emb(a), img_1)
- decoder(frame_cnn(img_0), decoder_act_emb(a), q)
- Then, world model is trained
- transformer([frame_cnn(img_0), act_emb(a), latents_emb(tokens_from_encoder), ...])
- Last, actor critic is trained (in world model)
- First, tokenizer is trained. It outputs 4 (from a vocab of 1024, codebook dim of 64) tokens per delta image
Our training strategy is to reproduce each one in reverse.