
an in-memory spatial index of a set of geographic features, and for efficiently querying that index

Primary LanguageC++

Author:: Schuyler Erle <schuyler@entropyfree.com>, for FortiusOne

The Geojoin library provides a mechanism for building an in-memory spatial
index of a set of geographic features, and for efficiently querying that

The use of the Geojoin library is best illustrated with a simple example,
using GeoRuby to read from a pair of Shapefiles.

  index = Geojoin::Index.new()

  GeoRuby::Shp4r::ShpFile.open(file).each do |record|
    wkb = record.geometry.as_wkb
    index << Geojoin::Feature.new(wkb, record.data)

  GeoRuby::Shp4r::ShpFile.open(another_file).each do |record|
    wkb = record.geometry.as_wkb
    query = Geojoin::Feature.new(wkb, record.data)
    index.contained_by(query) {|match|
        # do something with the two feature objects here

However, the current version of GeoRuby (1.3.4) does not appear to handle
multipolygons correctly, which can result in erroneous results from the Geojoin
index. The following script accomplishes the same purpose as the previous
script, using the Ruby OGR bindings from GDAL:

    require 'geojoin'
    require 'gdal/ogr'

    def load_features(file, idfield)
      geoms = []
      dataset = Gdal::Ogr.open(file)
      layer = dataset.get_layer(0)
      defn = layer.get_layer_defn
      field = defn.get_field_index idfield
      layer.get_feature_count.times do |i|
        feature = layer.get_feature(i)
        geom = feature.get_geometry_ref
        id = feature.get_field_as_string(field);
        yield Geojoin::Feature.new(geom.export_to_wkb, id)

    index = Geojoin::Index.new

    load_features(point_file, 'POINT_NAME') do |feat|
      index << feat

    load_features(polygon_file, 'POLY_NAME') do |feature|
         puts "#{feature.data} contains #{match.data}"

Please refer to the rdoc documentation for specific details.