This personnal projet Help me to log anything. It's asynchronous, it's "simple", just you post a json log and you request it to control what do you want
- We have a NodeJs API to manage log (GET All or select, Push a log, delete a log or many logs, PUT... no we cannot modify the past :P)
- NodeJs expose a WebSite (Angular or React i don't know at this time) who show logs and can help you to filter and select what do you want
- We have a MongoDb database for now, we juste stock the json log in database whithout change it
The Goal is to make a simple CRUD API and make plugin/dll/script with the real behaviour. This project is just the base, the logic is realy what do you want to do with your log (time or not, request/responses, messages, informations, @IP, some stuff...)
It's pretty cool ! Let's go !