
An example Kotti project

Primary LanguagePython


An example Kotti project using a dataset about fruits, containing images from Wikipedia.

When run in a virtualenv with pserve development.ini, the populate() method in resources.py will first call the Kotti default populate(), which adds a root Document instance and an About Document. Then the kotti_fruits populate() code adds a FruitCategoriesFolder, and within that FruitCategory instances, and within each of those, Fruit instances. Each Fruit instance has a set of images loaded also.

When you visit the new Kotti site, log in as admin/querty, then click Navigate to see the content added to the site. Click the main FruitCategoriesFolder, then a fruit category, such as 'Melons' then click individual fruits to see an image and some data for that fruit.

Basic REST services are up. Visit /fruit_categories to see JSON data for all the categories, and /fruits for all fruits. Visit /fruit_category/5 through 7 for the four fruit categories JSON data, and for the individual fruits it is /fruit/8 through 27.