

Primary LanguagePython

Cloudify Migration

This repository contains migrate.sh script and some utilities/tools that ease the process of Cloudify's live migration upgrades among versions 3.1, 3.2 and 3.2.1. Migrations between other versions might be supported in the future.

###Prerequisites:### The script's assumptions are that the new manager is operational and that we have two CLI environments that can be used to manage both Cloudify managers.

Moreover, the new manager should be able to access all applications' machines, for example by using the same ssh keys and being in the same network as the old manager.

###Migration consists of two phases:###

  • The first one involves reuploading blueprints and recreating deployments on the new manager. Additionally, the ElasticSearch data is transferred as well.
  • The second one handles updating the Cloudify related software on host-agents machines (Celery workers, Diamond daemon, plugins) and optionally migrating metrics stored in the InfluxDB database (Cloudify UI's charts are based on them).

To launch migration, simply run the migrate.sh script:

./migrate.sh -b -a -m old_cli_virtenv_dir old_cli_dir new_cli_virtenv_dir new_cli_dir

Parameters and flags:

    i.e. "agents hosts software update"
    Without this flag the second phase will not be performed. The process may be
    accomplished later by using `migrate_agents.sh` and `migrate_metrics.sh` scripts.

    With this flag set, the script suggests replacing versions in links to yaml/zip
    files in the whole blueprint - a colored diff is displayed. The proposed
    modifications are applied upon user's acceptance.

    Migrate InfluxDB metrics. For this flag to work, flag `-a` must be set as well.
    This option is implemented by the `migrate_metrics.sh` script.

    Usage: -p path_to_file.
    This flag is used to specify authentication override rules.
    Value of this flag will be passed directly to the `migrate_agents.sh` script
    as the last parameter. Check `migrate_agents.sh` description for more details.

    Usage: -n max_number_of_attempts
    This flag is used to specify the maximum number of attempts of a single task
    during agent migration. Check `migrate_agents.sh` description for more details.

    Python virtualenv directory used by the CLI initialized to operate the old manager.

    A directory where the CLI for the old manager has been initialized.
    It should contain the .cloudify directory.

    Python virtualenv directory used by the CLI initialized to operate the old manager.

    A directory where the cfy for the new manager has been initialized.
    It should contain the .cloudify directory.

Utility scripts:

  • migrate_agents.sh

This script is responsible for updating Cloudify components on host-agents machines. These components are Celery workers, plugins code and the monitoring tool - Diamond.

Parameters and flags:

    Usage: -d deployment_id
    Optional flag. If specified, migrate_agents will perform operation only on hosts
    that are part of a deployment identified by id 'deployment_id'.
    Otherwise, operation will be performed on all hosts.

    Usage: -n max_number_of_attempts
    Optional flag. This flag is used to specify the maximum number of attempts 
    of a single task during agent migration. If this value is exceeded agent
    migration workflow will be cancelled. Its default value is -1, which
    means that there is no limit.

    install or uninstall

    3.1, 3.2, 3.2.1 or auto
    If `auto` version is specified, script will detect version automatically,
    based on information retrieved from the manager itself.
    If you specify version manually, script will perform a check to make sure
    that this version is the same as the manager's version.

    Python virtualenv directory used by the CLI initialized to operate the manager
    specified by the `manager` parameter

    A directory where the cfy for the manager specified by the `manager` parameter
    has been initialized. It should contain the .cloudify directory.

    An optional path to a file that contains usernames/passwords that will be used
    during agent installation/uninstallation process. By default, script will use
    usernames/passwords that are contained in elastic search database of manager.
    You can use this parameter to override this behaviour. The file's format is YAML,
    for example:

        password: new_password
        user: new_user

    This file will force migrate_agents to use password `new_password` during agent
    modification on host with host id host_1 in deployment deployment_1 and username
    `new_user` for host_2 in deployment_2. All other agents will be installed/uninstalled
    using usernames/passwords stored on manager.
  • migrate_metrics.sh

The mandatory parameters are the same as for the migrate.sh script. No optional flags are specified for this script for the time being.

  • print_failed_tasks.sh

This script can be used in order to check if workflows run by migrate_agents.sh succeeded.

Parameters and flags:

    Usage: -w workflow_id
    Default value: `hosts_software_uninstall`.
    This flag lets the user specify what workflows should be checked.

    Python virtualenv directory used by the CLI initialized to operate the manager
    specified by the `manager` parameter

    A directory where the cfy for the manager specified by the `manager` parameter
    has been initialized. It should contain the .cloudify directory.


Should the migration process fail, you can always recover the old manager by restoring the Cloudify software on all host-agents machines. It can be achieved by running a command similar to the following one:

./migrate_agents.sh install 3.1 old_cli_virtenv_dir old_cli_dir

Doing so is reasonable only if the Cloudify components have been effectively uninstalled on host-agents machines. Otherwise the old manager should be consistent and ready to work with without performing any recovery actions.