
Metadata extraction from filepaths

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Metadata extraction and generation


Aim is to utilise machine learning (ML) to extract and generate metadata from the existing files by creating, training and improving a model (Nerual Network) to process currently existing files and the filestructures to extract labled metadata such as project date-time, dimensionality, projetc name and/or other metadata.

Desired attributes are:

Operator Name
Source Of Data


A folder exists for each subproject, further README files exist in them for more information

  • Filepath metadata extraction: extract different metadata from the file path of each file. (Current)
  • Document metadata extraction: extract different metadata from coduments such as pdf reports.
  • Hierarchical analysis and metadata sharing: copy metadata to related files based on hierachicl structure.


Abbreviation Meaning
ML Machine learning
TF Tensorflow
NN Neural network
RNN Recurrent Neural network
DNN Deep Neural Network
CNN Convolutional Neural Network
DRNN Deep Recurrent Neural Networks
LSTM Long short term memory


Word / Phrase Meaning
Sequene a sequence of objects, ie text
Temporal inputs / data sequencial data, often of varying size
Latent Hidden or internal



Tensorflow (TF) provides all the machine learning (ML) functionality and is a widely used scalable ML tool kit. Thus TF will be used for this project.

The ML process will generate and improve in an itterative process a model that can be used to predict metadata from new file path inputs. Note that the once a prediction has been made, it can be confirmed or corrected by a human and this response can be fed back into the ML process to improve the models accuracy.

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)

The RNN will be able to process input of varying lengths, thus rather than feeding the entire path at once its fed character by character. The RNN will utilise Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) to process the entire path character by character and continously output information discovered at that stage.

Unlike regualr Neural Neworks (NN) which process each input seperately, RNN feeds data from the previous steps (previous characters processed) into the current computation.

Deep Neural Network (DNN)

Likly This Network will become a Deep Neural Newtork (DNN) which means it has more than one hidden layer. Note that the NN can be both recurrent (RNN) and deep (DNN).

DNN are known for better processing of more complex data and thus is likly to increase model accuracy. Similarily to RNN DNN are more complex than regular NN.

Advantages different Neural Networks

Type Advantage Disatvantage
RNN Tempral data More complex
Variable input, output size Harder to train
Known for better accuracy good at predicting how the input might continue (not what we want)
DNN Better accuracy for complex data More complex
Better incoorporates past inputs Slightly slower
LSTM Variable input, output size Very complex
Known for very good accuracy Slower
plain NN Very fast to train Likly less accurate
Simpler model fixed input, output size
convolutional NN Convulution does not apply to text based data

In conclusion we will initially attempt to implement and test a Deep Rrecurrent Neural Network (DRNN) and possibly compare it to RNN and DNN implementation depending on performance results.


Geoscience Information Team, Geological Survey of Queensland, Department of Resources, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, geological_info@resources.qld.gov.au