
Describes GSQ's party profile based on the AS 4590.1:2017 Interchange of client information standard.

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0

Party Profile

The party profile based on the AS 4590.1:2017 Interchange of client information standard.

The party profile caters for natural persons and organisations.

Figure 1: Party conceptual data model

Party Profile Usage

Explain the usage of the dataset profile using both textual and graphical means. This section helps the reader understand the profile and how it is used in the real world.

Figure 2: Party usage

Profile Resources

This profile is presented as a series of files that perform different roles:

  1. model/ - the model folder contains this profile's models in both graphical (SVG) and machine-readable, textual, form ( RDF turtle).
  2. shapes/ - folder containing SHACL shapes files used to validate data's conformance to this profile's model.
  3. profile.ttl - the profile declaration. A description of all of the items in this profile (the formal model, validating resources, documentation etc.) according to the W3C's Profiles Ontology which describes how all the parts related to one another, the roles they play (to give guidance for use, to validate data etc.) and how this profile profiles the various standards listed above.

GSQ classes

This section lists the GSQ classes that feature in the model. Use links to those classes. Delete the examples listed below as required.

Classes used in this profile:

  1. TBA

OWL classes

This section lists the OWL classes (the internationally defined classes). Delete the examples listed below as required.

  1. TBA


List the vocabularies and link to them if published. Delete the examples listed below as required.

The vocabularies used in this profile are:

  1. TBA


The content of this repository is licensed for use with the Creative Commons 4.0 License. See the license deed for details.


Geoscience Information Team, Geological Survey of Queensland, Department of Resources, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, geological_info@resources.qld.gov.au