GSQ / CGS Commodity Codes Linkset

This is a Linkset - a special kind of RDF Dataset that relates objects in one Dataset to objects in another.

This Linkset contains SKOS mapping properties between Concepts in the GSQ Commodity Codes vocabulary and Concepts in the CGI Commodity Codes vocabulary. The first is Queensland's list and the second is the international geoscience consortium's list.

Only the following SKOS mapping properties are so far used as link predicates: skos:exactMatch.


This Linkset stores all its data in a special way. Instead of relating Dataset A's Object 1 to Dataset B's Object 2 via relationship X in the usual way that you would make an RDF link (triple) like this:

<A.1> <X> <B.2> .

where <A.1> is the subject, <X> the predicate and <B.2> the object, it's related like this:

    a rdf:Statement ;
    rdf:subject <A.1> ;
    rdf:predicate <X> ;
    rdf:object <B.2> .

What we've done here is shove the triple's subject, predicate & object information into a containing object's properties. Nowe we have a rdf:Statement object with rdf:subject, rdf:predicate & rdf:object properties. This lets use include information such as when that link (triuple) was created and what method was used, like this:

    a rdf:Statement ;
    rdf:subject <A.1> ;
    rdf:predicate <X> ;
    rdf:object <B.2> ;
    loci:hadGenerationMethod <SOME-METHOD> ;
    dct:created "2019-10-08"^^xsd:date .

Un-reifying data

Run this SPARQL query on this RDF data, loaded into a triplestore, to un-reify the data. That is, to un-shove the data from the statement objects back into normal triples:

PREFIX rdf: <>
    [] a rdf:Statement ;
       rdf:subject ?s ;
       rdf:predicate ?p ;
       rdf:object ?o.

This will turn this:

[] a rdf:Statement ;
    rdf:subject gsqcc:clay ;
    rdf:predicate skos:exactMatch ;
    rdf:object cgicc:clay ;    
    loci:hadGenerationMethod method: ;
    dct:created "2019-10-09"^^xsd:date .

into this:

gsqcc:clay skos:exactMatch cgicc:clay .


Geoscience Information Team, Geological Survey of Queensland, Department of Resources, Brisbane, QLD, Australia,