An identifier (ID) is any label used to uniquely name some thing (person, place, event), whether online or offline. URLs are an example of an identifier, as are serial numbers or personal names. A persistent identifier (PID) differs, however, in that it is guaranteed to be managed and kept up to date over a defined time period to reliably point to a digital or physical entity.
The PID structure for most entities managed by the Geological Survey of Queensland is XXnnnnnn, i.e. two (or more) alpha characters and six numerals. Numerals have leading zeros to acheive 6 numerals.
The alpha characters provide some indication of the type of entity being assigned a PID. For example, "RA003459" indicates this PID is for a Resource Authority with an ID of 3459. "GF102201" indicates a Geological Feature with ID 102201.
Reports will have their own prefix e.g.
For reports migrated from QDEX Reports, we add the CR
prefix to the existing report number from QDEX Reports.
CR - Report
Datasets will use the prefix DS. In the absence of a minting service, the incremental numbering will be done manually in a spreadsheet.
DS - Dataset
Map collections will use the prefix MP. In the absence of a minting service, the incremental numbering will be done manually in a spreadsheet.
MR - Map Collection[prefix][feature_id]
Where prefixes are:
gfabz - AbundanceZone
gfanc - AncientContinent
gfann - Anticline
gfanm - Anticlinorium
gfant - Antiform
gfank - AntiformalStack
gfarh - Arch
gfasz - AssemblageZone
gfasn - AssociationZone
gfbed - Bed
gfbds - Beds
gfbst - BiostratigraphicUnit
gfblk - Block
gfcht - ChronostratigraphicUnit
gfcmx - Complex
gfcrz - ConcurrentRangeZone
gfcnt - Continent
gfcrn - Craton
gfcrt - CrustalElement
gfdnf - DenudationalFeature
gfdpn - Depression
gfdme - Dome
gfdpx - Duplex
gfeby - Embayment
gfecp - Escarpment
gfxcp - ExtendedCrustProvince
gfflt - Fault
gfflp - FaultScarp
gffts - FaultSet
gfflm - FaultSystem
gfflz - FaultZone
gfflw - Flow
gffld - Fold
gffdb - FoldBelt
gffrm - Formation
gfgra - GeoResourceAccumulation
gfghs - GeologicalHeritageSite
gfgss - GeologicallySignificantSite
gfgpk - Geopark
gfgpd - GeophysicalDomain
gfgpf - GeophysicalFeature
gfgtl - Geotrail
gfgbn - Graben
gfgrp - Group
gfhgn - HalfGraben
gfhrt - Horst
gfigp - IgneousProvince
gfinl - Inlier
gfinz - IntervalZone
gfklp - Klippe
gflip - LargeIgneousProvince
gflnz - LineageZone
gfltd - Lithodeme
gfldf - LithodemicFeature
gflsu - LithostratigraphicUnit
gfmpb - MagnetostratigraphicPolaritySubzone
gfmpp - MagnetostratigraphicPolaritySuperzone
gfmpz - MagnetostratigraphicPolarityZone
gfmsu - MagnetostratigraphicUnit
gfmbr - Member
gfmnp - MineralProvince
gfmnc - Monocline
gfmyz - MyloniteZone
gfnpp - Nappe
gfnpx - NappeComplex
gforn - Orogen
gforg - OrogenicCollage
gfout - Outlier
gfofz - OverturnedFold
gfpdu - PedostratigraphicUnit
gfpnn - Peneplain
gfprc - PresentContinent
gfrnz - RangeZone
gfrdg - Ridge
gfsdb - SedimentaryBasin
gfssp - SeismicProvince
gfsqu - SequenceStratigraphicUnit
gfshz - ShearZone
gfshd - Shield
gfste - StratigraphicEvent
gfstf - StratigraphicFeature
gfstu - StratigraphicUnit
gfstr - StructuralFeature
gfsbn - Subbasin
gfsbg - Subgroup
gfsut - Suite
gfspb - Superbasin
gfspc - Supercontinent
gfspn - Supercraton
gfspg - Supergroup
gfsps - Supersuite
gfsyn - Syncline
gfsyc - Synclinorium
gfsyf - Synform
gftrz - TaxonRangeZone
gftse - tectonostratigraphicEntity
gftey - TectonicEntity
gftcr - TectonicFeature
gfplt - TectonicPlate
gftmp - TectonisedMetomorphosedProvince
gftrn - Terrane
gftrh - Trough
gfunc - Unconformity
gfwnw - Window[prefix][site_id]
Where prefixes are:
au - auger
bs - base-station
bh - borehole
ct - cutting
fs - field-site
av - alluvial
wc - watercourse
bc - beach
wy - waterbody
cv - colluvial
oc - outcrop
sc - subcrop
rg - regolith
pd - pedolith
sr - saprolith
tl - tailings
sl - spoil
mi - mine
om - open-cut-mine
ug - underground-mine
qy - quarry
pt - pit
pj - project-site
ra - resource-authority
th - trench
wb - wellbore
uk - unknown
Note: Administrative features are currently controlled in a separate system and their unique ID will be the Name and Number administered by Qld Government e.g. PL 1, ML 999, ATP 123. Although a feature for that system, they equate to a resource-authority (ra) site in the geological context
PP - ProspectingPermit
ATP - AuthorityToProspect
EPC - ExplorationPermitCoal
EPG - ExplorationPermitGeothermal
EPQ - ExplorationPermitGreenhouseGas
EPM - ExplorationPermitMineral
GL - GeothermalLease
QL - GreenhouseGasLease
MDL - MineralDevelopmentLicence
MFS - MineralFreeholdSelection
MC - MiningClaim
ML - MiningLease
OEP - OffshoreExplorationPermit
PFL - PetroleumFacilityLicence
PL - PetroleumLease
PPL - PetroleumPipelineLicence
PPP - PetroleumProspectingPermit
PSL - PetroleumSurveyLicence
PCA - PotentialCommercialArea
PGA - PotentialGeothermalCommercialArea
PSA - PotentialGreenhouseGasStorageCommercialArea
DAA - DataAcquisitionAuthority
WMA - WaterMonitoringAuthority[prefix][survey_id]
Where prefixes are (business to review):
at - atmospheric
gc - geochemistry
gp - geophysical
gt - geotechnical
hy - hydrochemistry
py - petrophysical
pg - physical-geology
re - resource extractives (quarry and construction resources)
rp - resource production
rs - resource sales
ss - seismic
st - spatial
sp - spectral
Aerial and Ground geophysics recorded in Geoproperties will use the following PID prefixes:
ag - aerial geophysics survey
gs - ground geophysics survey
When the survey is exported out of Geoproperties to the Open Data Portal, the CKAN PID is created from the Observation Type.
As an example:
- Aerial gephysics survey AG1400 contained a magnetic and a radiometric survery.
- An ODP magnetic survey dataset is created where Survey Title = AG1400 and Survey PID = MG1400
- An ODP radiometric survey dataset is created where Survey Title = AG1400 and Survey PID = RM1400
This process applies to the following survey types:
el - electrical
em - electromagnetic
gv - gravity
gg - gravity-gradiometry
mg - magnetic
mt - magnetotelluric
rm - radiometric
Note that this does not apply to seismic surveys, which are a type of ground geophysical survey.[prefix][sample_id]
Where prefixes are:
IMLG - image-log
BLSAMP - blasted-sample
BHCM - borehole-cement
BCL - bulk-cyanide-leach-sample
CSAMP - channel-sample
CCO - composited-core
CCU - composited-cuttings
CCSAMP - continuous-channel-sample
CORE - core
PLUG - core-plug
CRUSH - crushed-rock
CUT - cuttings
DVLG - deviation-log
DLFD - drill-fluid
DSPOIN - drill-spoil
DSTEM - drill-stem-test
FWSAMP - feather-and-wedge-sample
FLOAT - float
HAND - hand-sample
HYSN - hyperspectral-scan
MACFOS - macrofossil
MICFOS - microfossil
ORE - ore-sample
ORIENT - oriented-or-orientation-sample
OSAMP - oriented-sample
PMAG - palaeomagnetic-sample
PCON - pan-concentrate
PHGR - photograph
PBLK - polished-block
PCHIP - powdered-chip
RDSAMP - random-dump-sample
RSAMP - random-sample
CHIP - rock-chips
SCREE - scree
SDSAMP - selected-dump-sample
SEL - selected-sample
SWC - side-wall-core
SSS - sieved-stream-sediment-sample
SHSAMP - sledge-hammer-sample
SOIL - soil-sample
STRSED - stream-sediment-sample
SUSP - suspended-silt-sample
TMOUND - termite-mound
TSPOIL - trench-spoil
UNSP - unspecified
VIDO - video
WTRS - water-specimen
WHEAD - wellhead
PETL - petrophysical-log
More prefixes to come as vocab is developed.[prefix][observation_id]
ALTN - alteration
AUGR - auger-hole-description
CMNT - cement-int
CSPR - coal-seam-properties
COAL - coal-type
COHR - coherance
DSUP - depths-of-supergene-alteration
DRCT - directional
DRLL - drilling-int
DRFD - drill-fluid-int
EL - electrical
EM - electromagnetic
FABR - fabric
FOSS - fossils
GEOC - geochemical-signature
GE - geothermics
GV - gravity
GG - gravity-gradiometry
HYPR - hyperspectral
IGST - igneous-structures
SEQU - internal-sequences
LITH - lith-int
MG - magnetic
MY - magnetic-gradiometry
MT - magnetotelluric
METS - metamorphic-structures
METTYP - metamorphic-type
META - metamorphism
DEXP - mineral-deposit-expression
DFRM - mineral-deposit-form
COMPON - mineralogical-components
MISC - miscellaneous-observation
MULT - multispectral
OTEX - ore-textures
PANC - panchromatic
PERF - perf-int
PHOT - photographic
PHYS - physical
PSTN - positional
QTEX - quartz-textures
RM - radiometric
REGO - regolith-observations
RSVR - reservoir-int
RCLASS - rock-classification
SEDFAC - sedimentary-lithofacies
SEDS - sedimentary-structures
2d - seismic-2d
3d - seismic-3d
4d - seismic-4d
STRT - strat-int
TCST - tectonic-structures
TEXT - textures
TBLR - tubular-int
VELS - velocity-survey
WETH - weathering-features
WCPI - well-completion-int
YOUNG - younging
More prefixes to come as vocab is developed.[result_id]
No prefix[geoproperty_id]
No prefix
Persistent identifiers: awareness level
Persistent identifiers: working level
The content of this repository is licensed for use with the Creative Commons 4.0 License. See the license deed for details.
Geoscience Information Team, Geological Survey of Queensland, Department of Resources, Brisbane, QLD, Australia,