
Take screenshots from the specfic URL for multiple viewports.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status

A command that takes screenshots from the specfic URL for multiple viewports.


$ npm install -g @tilecloud/shootbot


$ shootbot -h
Usage: shootbot [options] <URL ...>

  -V, --version                     output the version number
  -b, --browser <browser>           `chrome` or `firefox`. The default is `chrome`
  -v, --viewports <viewports>       Viewports to take screenshots. e.g, `--viewports 1200x800,320`.
  -l, --accept-language <language>  The language. The default is `en`.
  -w, --waitfor <seconds>           The number of seconds to wait for saving screenshots. The default is `3000`.
  -h, --help                        output usage information


You can place configuration file at ~/.shootbot.json to specify default values for command options.

The defaults are following.

  viewports: '1200,992,768,576',
  browser: 'chrome',
  acceptLanguage: 'en',
  waitfor: 3000,


Take screenshots for https://example.com/.

$ shootbot https://example.com/

You also can take screenshots for multiple URLs.

$ shootbot https://example.com/ https://example.org/

Take screenshots for https://example.com/ of viewports 1200 and 320.

$ shootbot https://example.com/ --viewports 1200,320

You also can specify height of viewport like following.

$ shootbot https://example.com/ --viewports 1200x800,320

Take screenshots for https://example.com/ with Firefox.

$ shootbot https://example.com/ --viewports 1200,320 --browser firefox