Magpys Automated Real Time Acquisition System

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


MagPys Automated Real Time Acquisition System

MARTAS is collection of python applications and packages supporting data acquisition, collection, storage, monitoring and analysis in heterogenuous sensor environments. MARTAS is designed to support professional observatory networks. Data acquisition makes use of an instrument library which currently includes many sensors typically used in observatories arround the globe and some development platforms. Basically, incoming sensor data is converted to a general purpose data/meta information object which is directly streamed via MQTT (message queue transport) to a data broker. Such data broker, called MARCOS (MagPys Automated Realtime Collector and Organization System), can be setup within the MARTAS environment. These collection routines, coming along with MARTAS, can access such data stream and store/organize such data and meta information in files, data banks or forward them to web sockets. All data can directly be analyszed using MagPy which contains many time domain and frequency domain time series anaylsis methods.

Developers: R. Leonhardt, R. Mandl, R. Bailey (ZAMG)

1. Introduction

MARTAS has originally been developed to support realtime geomagnetic data acqusition. The principle idea was to provide a unique platform to obtain data from serial interfaces, and to stream and record this data within a generalized format to a data archive. Previously any system connected via serial interface to a recording computer was registered by its own software usually in a company specific format. Intercomparison of such data, extraction of meta information, realtime data transport and basically any analysis requiring different sources is significantly hampered. MARTAS contains a communication library which supports many commonly used instruments as listed below. With these libraries, data AND meta information is obtained from connected sensors. This data is then converted to a data stream containing essential meta information. This data stream has a general format which can be used for basically every imaginable timeseries. The data stream is broadcasted/published on a messaging queue transport type (MQTT) broker, a state-of-the-art standard protocol of the Internet-of-Things (IOT). A receiver contained in the MARTAS package (MARCOS - MagPys Automated Realtime Collector and Organization System) subscribes to such data streams and allows to store this data in various different archiving types (files (like CDF, CSV, TXT, BIN), databases). Various logging methods, comparison functions, threshold tickers, and process communication routines complement the MARTAS package.

Currently supported systems are:

  • Lemi025,Lemi036, and most likely all other Lemi systems;
  • Geometrics G823 Cs Magnetometers
  • GEM Systems GSM-90, GSM-19
  • Quantum Magnetometer Systems POS-1, POS-4
  • Meteolabs BM35 pressure sensor
  • Thiess LaserNiederschlagsMessgerät - Disdrometer
  • Ultrasonic Anemometer
  • AD7714 general ADC
  • Campbell Scientific CR800, CR1000 Data logger
  • ENV05 Environment sensors
  • MySQL/MariaDB databases
  • Dallas OneWire Sensors
  • DIGIBASE MCA Gamma sensors
  • Mingeo ObsDAQ 24bit-ADC in combination with PalmAcq logger
  • all data files readable by MagPy

and basically all I2C Sensors and others connectable to a Arduino Microcontroller board (requiring a specific serial output format in the microcontroller program - appendix)

Note: in the folling examples we use "USER" as username and "USERS" as group. Replace these names with your user:group names. All instructions asume that you have a profound knowledge of debian like linux systems, as such a system is the only prerequisite to run MARTAS.


2.1 Installation requirements

All installation instructions assume a linux (debian-like) system. Although MARTAS is platform independent, it is currently only tested and used on debian like LINUX systems.

- tested and running on python 2.7/3.x
- any future development will be directed to python 3.x

Required packages:
- Geomagpy >= 1.0.0 (and its requirements)
    sudo pip install geomagpy
- mosquitto (MQTT client - broker)
    sudo apt-get install mosquitto mosquitto-clients
- paho-mqtt (MQTT python)
    sudo pip install paho-mqtt
- pyserial
    sudo pip install pyserial
- twisted
    sudo pip install twisted
    sudo pip install service_identity

Optional packages:
- pyownet  (one wire support)
    sudo pip install pyownet
    sudo apt-get install owserver

2.2 Getting MARTAS

Get all neccessary MARTAS files by one of the following techniques: a) clone the MARTAS repository to your home folder (requires git)

    $ git clone https://github.com/geomagpy/MARTAS.git

b) or go to the GITHUB directory and download the MARTAS archive



MARTAS makes use of certain IOT protocols for real-time data transfer. Currently fully supported is MQTT. In the following you will find some instructions on how to get MQTT running on your acquisition machine.

If you dont need authentication you are fine already (continue with section 3). You only need to install the required packages as listed above. Thats it.

2.4 NEW: enable listener

Starting with Mosquitto version 2.0.0 only localhost can listen to mqtt publications. To enable other listener you can create a config file as follows:

     sudo nano /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/listener.conf

Create this file if not existing and add the following lines:

     listener 1883
     allow_anonymous true

2.5 Enabling authentication

Authentication and secure data communication are supported by MARTAS. In order to enable authentication and SSL encryption for accessing data streams from your acquisition machine please check mosqitto instructions like the following web page: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-secure-the-mosquitto-mqtt-messaging-broker-on-ubuntu-16-04

For quickly enabling authentication you can also use the following instructions (without ssl encrytion of data transfer):

Adding user/password:

Add a user and a password file to the MQTT broker (is encrypted):

    $ sudo mosquitto_passwd -c /etc/mosquitto/passwd user

Then use command

    $ sudo nano /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/default.conf

to open an empty file.

Paste in the following:
    allow_anonymous false
    password_file /etc/mosquitto/passwd

Restart mosquitto

Thats it. How to use credentials in MARTAS is described in section 3.1.

3. Setting up MARTAS

In the following we are setting up MARTAS to acquire measurement data from any connected system, to store it locally within a buffer directory and to permanenty stream it to a data broker. In the examples, we will use the same MARTAS system as data broker.

3.1 Basic setup:

3.1.1 Use the MARTAS installation script

    $ cd /path/to/MARTAS/install
    $ sudo sh martas.install.sh
    -> follow the instructions

3.1.2 Modify /etc/martas/sensors.cfg

    $ nano /etc/martas/sensors.cfg

sensors.cfg is the basic configuration file for all sensors connected to the MARTAS system. It contains a line with a comma separted list for each sensor which looks like:

    GSM90_6107631_0001,S1,115200,8,1,N,passive,gsm90v7init.sh,-,1,GSM90,GSM90,6107632,0002,-,AS-W-36,GPS,magnetism,GEM Overhauzer v7.0

The following elements are contained in this order:

element description example
sensorid Unique identification string for sensor. Ideally consisting of fields "name_serialnumber_revision" GSM90_6107631_0001
port serial communication port (e.g. ttyS1 or ttyUSB0) S1
baudrate Serial communication baudrate 115200
bytesize Serial communication bytesize 8
stopbits Serial communication stopbits 1
parity Parity can be set to none (N), odd (O), even (E), mark (M), or space (S) N
mode Can be active (data requests are send) and passive (sensor sends data regularly) passive
init Sensor initialization (see 3.4 and appendix 10.1) gsm90v7init.sh
rate Defines the sampling rate for active threads in seconds (integer). Data will be request with this rate. Active threads with more than 1 Hz are not possible. Not used for passive modes. -
stack Amount of data lines to be collected before broadcasting. Default 1. 1 will broadcast any line as soon it is read. 1
protocol MARTAS protocol to be used with this sensor GSM90
name Name of the sensors GSM90
serialnumber Serialnumber of the sensor 6107632
revision Sensors revision number, i.e. can change after maintainance 0002
path Specific identification path for automatically determined sensors. Used only by the OW protocol. -
pierid An identification code of the pier/instrument location AS-W-36
ptime Primary time originates from NTP (MARTAS clock), GNSS, GPS. If the sensors delivers a timestamp e.g. GPS time, then a generated header input DataTimesDiff always contains the average difference to the MARTAS clock, in this case GPS-NTP GPS
sensorgroup Diszipline or group magnetism
sensordesc Description of sensor details GEM Overhauzer v7.0


  • sensorids should only contain basic characters like 0,1,2,..9,a,b,...,z,A,B,...,Z (no special characters, no underscors, no minus etc)
  • sensorids should not contain the phrases "data", "meta" or "dict"

Further details and descriptions are found within the created sensors.cfg configuration file.

3.1.3 Check /etc/martas/martas.cfg

    $ nano /etc/martas/martas.cfg

martas.cfg contains the basic MARTAS configuration data, definitions for broadcasting and paths. Details and descriptions are found within this file. The file is preconfigured during the installation process and does not need to be changed.

3.2 Running the acquisition system

3.2.1 When installation is finished you can start the system as follows:

    $ sudo /etc/init.d/martas start

- The following options are now available:
    $ sudo /etc/init.d/martas status
    $ sudo /etc/init.d/martas start
    $ sudo /etc/init.d/martas restart
    $ sudo /etc/init.d/martas stop

3.2.2 Command line

    $ python acquisition.py

acquisition.py automatically chooses cfg files from the same directory. You can use other parameter
files using:

    $ python acquisition.py -m /home/user/martas.cfg

3.2.3 Adding a cleanup for the bufferdirectory

Principally, all data is buffered in binary files, by default within the /srv/mqtt directory. You can mount a SD card or external memory as such a bufferdirectory. In order to prevent an overflow of the local file system you can also activate a cleanup job to remove old files from the buffer directory.

Add the following line to /etc/crontab

15 0 * * * root sh /home/user/MARTAS/app/cleanup.sh

Edit cleanup.sh to fit your needs. By default it reads (deleting all files older than 100 days):

find /srv/mqtt -name "*.bin" -ctime +100 -exec rm {} \;

3.2.4 Adding a start option to crontab

In case that the MARTAS acquisition process hangs up or gets terminated by an unkown reason it is advisable to add a start option to crontab, which starts MARTAS in case it is not running any more

Add the following line to /etc/crontab

   10  0  *  *  *  root    /etc/init.d/martas start

3.3 Understanding Quality-of-Service (QOS)

The Quality-of-Service (qos) level is an agreement between the sender of a message and the receiver of a message that defines the guarantee of delivery for a specific message. There are three qos levels in MQTT: (0) At most once, (1) At least once and (2) Exactly once. (0) sends out data without testing whether it is received or not. (1) sends out data and requires an aknowledgment that the data was received. Multiple sendings are possible. (2) makes sure that every data is send exactly once. Please refer to MQTT information pages for more details. The amount of messages stored is limited, with an upper limit defined by the brokers memory. When using a mosquitto broker the default limit of stored messages is 100. In order to change that modify the max_queued_messages count in mosquitto config.

3.4 Sensors requiring initialization

Several sensors currently supported by MARTAS require an initialization. The initialization process defines e.g. sampling rates, filters, etc. in a way that the sensor systems is automatically sending data to the serial port afterwards. MARTAS supports such initialization routines by sending the respective and necessary command sequence to the system. Initialization commands are stored within the MARTAS configuration directory (Default: /etc/martas/init). The contents of the initialization files for supported instruments is outlined in Appendix 10.1. In order to use such initialization, you need to provide the path within the sensors configuration line in sensors.cfg:

sensors.cfg: line for a GSM90 Overhauzr, the initialzation configuration is taken from gsm90v7init.sh (within the martas config directory)

    GSM90_6107631_0001,S1,115200,8,1,N,passive,gsm90v7init.sh,-,1,GSM90,GSM90,6107632,0002,-,AS-W-36,GPS,magnetism,GEM Overhauzer v7.0

3.5 Regular backups of all MARTAS configurations

MARTAS comes with a small backup application to be scheduled using cron, which saves basically all MARTAS configuration files within a zipped archive. The aim of this application is to save all essential information within one single data file so that in case of a system crash (hardware problem, SD card defect, etc) you can easily and quickly setup an identical "new" system. You might also use the backups to setup similar copies of a specific system.

To enable regular monthly backups, first copy the backup_config.sh application to /etc/martas/

      $ (sudo) cp /home/USER/MARTAS/apps/backup_config.sh /etc/martas

Modify backup_config.sh and insert the correct user name in line 13:

      $ (sudo) nano /etc/martas/backup_config.sh

Schedule the script using cron (as root).

      $ sudo nano /etc/crontab

Insert the following line to create backups every 1 day per month.

      10 0   1 * *   root /bin/bash /etc/martas/backup_config.sh

In order to recover a system from an existing backup, MARTAS/install contains a recovery script "recover.martas.sh". In the following example we asume that your system broke down i.e. due to a SD card failure of your beaglebone/raspberry single board PC. You need to recover your system on a newly installed SD card. To apply the recover script you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Install a basic debian/ubuntu linux system on your acquisition machine (i.e. see steps 1-3 in section 12.5.2 for beaglebone)

  2. login into the new machine as the projected user USER

  3. create a directory /home/USER/Backups and copy the backup file you want to apply into this folder

     mkdir /home/USER/Backups
     (s)cp /source/myoldmachine_19990402_backup.tar.gz /home/USER/Backups/
  4. get MARTAS (eventually you need to install git - apt install git)

     git clone https://github.com/geomagpy/MARTAS
  5. Run the recover script. This script will guide you through the process

     sudo bash /home/USER/MARTAS/install/recover.martas.sh

3.6. Typical Sensor definitions in sensors.cfg

Geomagetic GSM90 Overhauzer Sensors (GEM Systems)

     GSM90_6107631_0001,S1,115200,8,1,N,passive,gsm90v7init.sh,-,1,GSM90,GSM90,6107632,0002,-,AS-W-36,GPS,magnetism,GEM Overhauzer v7.0

It is suggested to use the sensor name GSM90, the serial number of the electronics unit and a 4 digit revision number of your choice i.e. 0001. The revision number should be changed in case of electronic units maintainance etc. GSM90 sensors require initialization data provided in /etc/martas/init i.e. gsm90v7init.sh, to start continuous recording of the system. I strongly recommend passive recording i.e. at 0.5 Hz (GPS mode) and then filter to 1 Hz to obtain a record with readings centered on the second.

Geomagetic GSM19 Overhauzer Sensors (GEM Systems)

    GSM19_7122568_0001,USB0,115200,8,1,N,passive,,-,1,GSM19,GSM19,7122568,0001,-,mobile,GPS,magnetism,GEM Overhauzer v7.0

Geoelectric 4point light 10W (Lippmann)


Provide layout (wenner,schlumberger,half-schlumberger,dipole-dipole,), Distances A and L, as well as current and frequency within the comment part. For currents and frequencies please refer to the following codes:

currdic = {"m":"1uA","n":"10uA","o":"100uA","p":"1mA","q":"5mA","r":"15mA","s":"50mA","t":"100mA"} freqdic = {"a":"0.26Hz","b":"0.52Hz","c":"1.04Hz","d":"2.08Hz","e":"4.16Hz","f":"8.33Hz","g":"12.5Hz","h":"25Hz"}

wenner-0.65-0-c-o : wenner configuration with electrode distance A of 0.65m, L=0 is not used for wenner, current (c) = 100uA, and frequency (o) = 1.04 Hz

Meteorology DSP Ultrasonic wind (Meteolab)


General Adruino microcontroller (Arduino)


MariaDB/MySQL database access


Onewire Senors (Dallas)

     OW,-,-,-,-,-,active,None,10,1,Ow,OW,-,0001,-,A2,NTP,environment,environment: dallas one wire sensors

Environment ENV05 T/rh ()

     ENV05_3_0001,USB0,9600,8,1,N,passive,None,-,1,Env,ENV05,3,0001,-,AS-W-20,NTP,environment,temperature and humidity

Geomagnetic LEMI025/036 variometer (LEMI LVIV)

     LEMI036_3_0001,USB0,57600,8,1,N,passive,None,-,1,Lemi,LEMI036,3,0001,-,ABS-67,GPS,magnetism,magnetic variometer from Lviv

Geomagnetism POS1/POS4 Overhauzer Sensor (Quantum magnetics)

     POS1_N432_0001,S0,9600,8,1,N,passive,pos1init.sh,-,1,POS1,POS1,N432,0001,-,AS-W-36,GPS,magnetism,Quantum magnetics POS1 Overhauzer sensor

Datalogger CR1000/CR800 (Campbell Scientific)

     CR1000JC_1_0002,USB0,38400,8,1,N,active,None,2,1,cr1000jc,CR1000JC,02367,0002,-,TEST,NTP,meteorological,snow height

Datalogger AD7714 24bit ()

     AD7714_0001_0001,-,-,-,-,-,autonomous,None,-,10,ad7714,AD7714,-,0001,-,-,NTP,environment,24bit analog digital converter

Geomagnetic Obsdaq/Palmdaq datalogger together FGE Magnetometer (MINGEO, DTU)

     FGE_S0252_0002,USB0,57600,8,1,N,passive,obsdaqinit.sh,-,1,obsdaq,FGE,S0252,0002,-,ABS-67,GPS,magnetism,magnetic fluxgate from Denmark

4. Experts settings

4.1 Enabling Authentication

If you want to use authentication you should use addcred.py (UtilityScripts) to obsfuscate user and passwords, which helps you to avoid plain text passwords directly in scripts. Please note, that these methods do not encrypt passwords. They just store it in a different, independent file. To add such information into the credentials list use:

    $ python addcred.py -t transfer -c mqtt -u user -p mypasswd -a localhost

for super user:
    $ sudo python addcred.py -t transfer -c mqtt -u user -p mypasswd -a localhost

Provide the shortcut (mqtt) and username during the installation process.

4.2 Poll for change of public IP (useful for WiFi/UMTS connection):

- edit paths in UtlityScripts/sendip.py to your own FTP server (if using)
- Add call into crontab (as often as needed):
$ crontab -e
Something like this (for hourly polling):
1 */1 * * * python ~/MARTAS/UtilityScripts/sendip.py

4.3 Manual instructions and running martas not as a service:

You can run MARTAS from the command line by changing into the MARTAS directory and
using the following commands:

    $ python3 acquisition_mqtt.py -m /path/to/martas.cfg -P mypasswd

Using encryption with credentials created by addcred:

    $ python acquisition_mqtt.py -m /home/cobs/martas.cfg -c mqtt

Providing authentication directly:

    $ python3 acquisition_mqtt.py -m /path/to/martas.cfg -u mosquittouser -P mosquittopasswd

5. Setup of a Broker

A broker defines a system which is permanently receiving data from a MARTAS system via MQTT, i.e. MARTAS publishes data to the broker. The broker can be the same system as the one running MARTAS (when following the installation instructions, your system will be ready to act as a broker), but it can also be an external machine. MARTAS makes use of a mosquitto brokers. Everything what you need to do to establish a broker is to install mosquitto as outlined in 1.1. If you want to use authentication on the broker follow the steps outlined in section 1.3. In order to use this broker, make sure that MARTAS can reach this broker system via its address (IP/HTTP) on port 1883.

6. Setting up MARCOS

In the following we are setting up MARCOS to collect measurement data from a broker. MARCOS subscribes to the broker and receives any new data published there. All three systems, MARTAS, BROKER, and MARCOS can run on the same machine as different processes, but also run on multiple machines. You can also have several MARCOS collectors accessing the same broker independently.

MARCOS subscribes to the data broker and obtains publish data of a defined subject. You can select whether this data is then stored into archive files, into a data base (mariadb, mysql) and/or published on a webserver.

6.1 Basic setup:

a) Use the MARTAS installation script

    $ cd /path/to/MARTAS/install
    $ sudo sh marcos.install.sh
  -> follow the instructions

b) Check /etc/martas/broker.cfg ("broker" might be replaced if you use have chosen a different name)

    $ nano /etc/martas/broker.cfg

c) Adding a start option to crontab

In case that the MARCOS collector process hangs up or gets terminated by an unkown reason it is advisable to add a start option to crontab, which starts the collector in case it is not running any more

Add the following line to /etc/crontab

  12  0  *  *  *  root    /etc/init.d/collect-broker start

6.2 Running the collection sytem

a) When installation is finished you can start the system as follows:

    $ sudo /etc/init.d/collect-broker start

- The following options are now available:
    $ sudo /etc/init.d/collect-broker status
    $ sudo /etc/init.d/collect-broker start
    $ sudo /etc/init.d/collect-broker restart
    $ sudo /etc/init.d/collect-broker stop

Please note: if database outputis selected: on default on the data table will be written. If you want to create/update DATAINFO and SENSOR information, then run the collector with the -v option at least once. e.g. python3 collector.py -m /etc/martas/broker.cfg -v

b) Running the collector from the commandline:

    python collector.py -b brokeradress -u myuser -P mypassword

6.3 Data destinations

6.3.1 Saving incoming data as files

Select destination "file"

6.3.2 Streaming to a database

Select destination "db"

Stream data to a database requires a preconfigured MagPy conform database structure. That can be done a few steps:

  1. Install MariaDB or MySQL (please follow instructions as given here for a proper setup)

     sudo apt-get install mariadb
  2. Create an empty database

     $(sudo) mysql -u root -p mysql
     sql> CREATE DATABASE mydb;  # please replace mydb with a name of your choice
  3. Grant access to this database for a specific user

     sql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES to user ...
     sql> exit;
  4. Initialize the database

    $ python3
    >>> import magpy.database
    >>> db = mysql.connect()
    >>> dbinit(db)
  5. Eventually add the database credentials with addcred

    $ addcred -d db -c mydb -u user ...

On default, meta information is not considered

6.3.3 Starting a WEB interface with MARCOS

Select destination "websocket"

Open the following page in a webbrowser http://ip_of_marcos:8080

a) Starting websocket transfer on MARCOS from commandline

  Manually you can also do that as follows:
    $ cd ~/MARTAS
    $ python collector -d websocket -o mystation
  If authentication is used:
    $ python collector -d websocket -o mystation -u user -P password

b) Accessing websocket Connect to the MATRTAS machine from remote: On any machine which can access defined websocket port you can now open the following url in a browser of your choice: (Pleas replace "ip_of_martas" with the real IP-address or url name.


c) Customizing the WEB interface/ports of MARCOS

  • Modifying ports and paths - modify marcos.cfg $ python collector -m /path/to/marcos.cfg Here you can change default port (8080) and many other parameters.

  • Customizing graphs and layout (will change in the near future) Modify smoothiesettings.js: $ nano ~/MARTAS/web/smoothiesettings.js

7. Logging and notifications

Please note: if you want to use threshold testing or monitoring, then you can use the installer "install.addapps.sh" in the install directory to set up/initialize these programs.

7.1 The threshold notifyer threshold.py

MARTAS comes along with a threshold application. This application can be used to check your data in realtime and trigger certain action in case a defined threshold is met. Among the possible actions are notifications by mail or messenger, switching command to a connected microcontroller, or execution of bash scripts. This app reads data from a defined source: a MARTAS buffer files, MARCOS database or any file supported by [MagPy] (eventually directly from MQTT). Within a configuration file you define threshold values for contents in this data sources. Notifications can be triggered if the defined criteria are met, and even switching commands can be send if thresholds are broken. All threshold processes can be logged and can be monitored independently by mail, nagios, icinga, telegram. Threshold.py can be scheduled in crontab. You can configure Threshold.py to se

Threshold.py (and monitor.py) can use the Telegram messenager to broadcast notifications. If you want to use that you need to install telegram_send.

    $ sudo pip install telegram_send

    # IMPORTANT: requires Python3.6 !!

Please note that these notification routines are independent of an eventually used TelegramBot (7.4, working also with Python3.5 and smaller) for communication with your MARTAS machine. You can use the same channel, however.

7.2 Monitoring MARTAS and MARCOS process with monitor.py

The martas monitoring routine allows for testing data actuality and in MARTAS and MARCOS systems, can check available buffer memory and allows you to trigger bash scripts if a certain condition is found. For basic initialization, please use the install.addapps.sh script. This will preconfigure the configuration data for you. Monitoring is performend periodically using a crontab input.

The following jobtypes are supported by the monitoring app: martas, marcos, space, logfile

7.2.1 Installation

Use the installation script "install.addapps.sh" to install monitoring support. This script will also create a default monitor configuration file.

7.2.2 logfile monitoring

To apply monitoring to watch contents of specfic log files change the following lines within the monitor.cfg configuration file:

    logfile   :   /var/log/magpy/archive.log
    logtesttype   :   last
    logsearchmessage   :   SUCCESS

The above example will scan the archive.log file for a string "SUCCESS" in the last line.

To schedule such monitoring use crontab e.g. 5 * * * * /usr/bin/python3 /home/cobs/MARTAS/app/monitor.py -c /etc/martas/archivemonitor.cfg -n ARCHIVEMONITOR -j logfile > /dev/NULL 2&>1

7.2.3 file date monitoring

To apply monitoring to watch for recent files in a directory change the following lines within the monitor.cfg configuration file:

    basedirectory      :   /home/user/datadirectory/*.cdf
    defaultthreshold   :   600

The above example will scan the directory '/home/user/datadirectory' and check if a file '*.cdf' younger then '600' seconds is present. (Ignorelist is not yet working properly as it is not applied to overall file selection)

To schedule such monitoring use crontab e.g. 5 * * * * /usr/bin/python3 /home/cobs/MARTAS/app/monitor.py -c /etc/martas/uploadmonitor.cfg -n UPLOADMONITOR -j datafile > /dev/NULL 2&>1

7.3 Sending notifications

7.3.1 e-mail notifications

In order to setup e-mail notifications the following steps need to be performed. Firstly, you should use the provided installer to generally setup monitoring and all necessary configuration files:

    cd MARTAS/install
    sudo bash install.addapps.sh

This command will create a number of configuration files for notifications within the default folder /etc/martas. Secondly, it is necessary to locally save obsfuscated smtp server information on the MARTAS/MARCOS machine:

    python3 addcred.py -t mail -c mymailservice -u info@mailservice.at -p secret -s smtp.mailservice.at -l 25

Now we will need to update the configuration files accordingly.

    sudo nano /etc/martas/mail.cfg

You only need to change the input for mailcred, and enter the shortcut for the mailservice defined with option c in the command above. Please also enter the other information as listed below with your correct data:

    mailcred    :     mymailservice

    From        :  info@mailservice.at
    To          :  defaultreceiver@example.com
    smtpserver  :  smtp.mailservice.at
    porrt       :  25

Finally, use the application testnote.py for testing the validity of your configuration (please update the following line with your paths):

    python3 MARTAS/app/testnote.py -n email -m "Hello World" -c /etc/martas/mail.cfg -l TestMessage -p /home/user/test.log

Pleasenote: calling testnote the first time will create the log file but don't send anything. From then on, a message will be send whenever you change the message content.

7.3.1 telegram notifications

MARTAS can send notifications directly to the [Telegram] messenger. You need either a TelegramBot or a TelegramChannel plus a user id to setup simple notifications. If you just want to receive notificatins you will find some instruction in 7.5.2 on how to use a private TelegramChannel. See section 7.5.1 for some hints of setting up an environment with the possibility of even interacting with your machine.

For sending notifications you then just need to edit the basic configuration files:

    # if not done install addapps
    cd MARTAS/install
    sudo bash install.addapps.sh

    sudo nano /etc/martas/telegram.cfg

Insert your bot_id (token) and the user_id. Thats it. Then you can use testnote.py to for testing whether its working (eventually you must run this command two times with a different message).

    python3 MARTAS/app/testnote.py -n telegram -m "Hello World, I am here" -c /etc/martas/telegram.cfg -l TestMessage -p /home/user/test.log

7.4 Support for NAGIOS/ICINGA

7.5 Communicating with MARTAS

MARTAS comes with a small communication routine, which allows interaction with the MARTAS server. In principle, you can chat with MARTAS and certain keywords will trigger reports, health stats, data requests, and many more. Communication routines are available for the [Telegram] messenger. In order to use these routines you need to setup a Telegram bot, referring to your MARTAS.

7.5.1 interactive communication with TelegramBot

To setup [Telegram] communication use the following steps:

a) Use [Telegram Botfather] to create a new BOT



b) Install Telegram support for MARTAS

    $ cd MARATS/install
    $ sudo bash install.telegram.sh

  The installer will eventually add the following apckages: telepot, psutil and
  platform. For webcam support you shoudl install fswebcam.

    $ sudo apt-get install fswebcam  # optional - transferring webcam pictures

c) Update /etc/martas/telegrambot.cfg

    $ nano /etc/martas/telegrambot.cfg

  -> you need the BotID, which you obtained when creating the new BOT
  -> you need at least one UserID. Your UserID

d) Open Telegram on your Mobile/Webclient and access the TelegramBot Channel.

  You can can now talk to your BOT (here are some examples):

    hello bot

    i need help

    what sensors are connected

    give me some details on sensors DS18B20

    i need further details on sensor

    please provide your current status

    i would like to get some system information

    get the log of martas, last 20 lines

    please restart the martas process

    please restart the marcos process

    plot data from DS18B20_28616411B2648B6D_0001

    plot data from DS18B20_28616411B2648B6D_0001 between 2020-10-24 and 2020-10-26

  If you have a microcontroller connected programmed with MARTAS specifications (e.g. arduino) you can also send switching commands:

    switch heating on

7.5.2 Receiving Telegram notification via TelegramChannel

a) Preliminary work

Again you need TelegramBotFather to setup a telegram bot (see section 7.5.1) or you are using an existing one (i.e. MyFirstBot).

Then you need to setup a new private TelegramChannel using your Telegram App. Lets asume you the name of your new TelegramChannel is "MyFirstChannel".

Go to your channel overview and add (i.e. MyFirstBot) as administrator to your channel.

c) Update /etc/martas/telegram.cfg

    $ nano /etc/martas/telegrambot.cfg

  -> you need the BotID, which you obtained when creating the new BOT - put that into "token"

  -> user_id should point to your channel . i.e. @MyFirstChannel for public channels
  -> for private channels send any message within the channel. Then copy the link of this message:
  i.e. https://t.me/c/1123456789/31
  add a preciding -100 and you got your id: "-1001123456789"

8. Applications and Scripts

8.1 Overview of applications

MARTAS comes along with a number of application scripts to support data acquisition, collection of data, access of remote data sources and organizations tools for databases. All these scripts can be found within the directory MARTAS/apps. Below you will find a comprehensive list of these scripts and their purpose. In the following you will find subsections with detailed instructions and example applications for all of these programs.

Script Purpose Configuration py2/py3 Section
addcred.py Create credential information for scripts py3 8.2
archive.py Read database tables and create archive files archive.cfg py3 8.3
ardcomm.py Communicating with arduino microcontroller py2/py3 8.4
backup_config.sh Shell script to backup MARTAS configuartion data -
db_truncate.py Check database tables (not DATAINFO) and delete data exceeding a certain age truncate.cfg py3 8.10
file_download.py Used to download files, store them in a raw directory amd construct archives/database inputs collect.cfg py3 8.5
file_upload.py Used to upload files to any specified remote system using a protocol of your choise upload.json py3 8.6
threshold.py 7.1
monitor.py 7.2
speedtest.py Test the bandwdith of the internet connection. Can be run periodically to write MagPy readable files 8.8
testnote.py Test telegram messenger notifications py3 8.9
gamma.py Dealing with DIGIBASE gamma radiation acquisition and analysis gamma.cfg py3 8.7
obsdaq.py communicate with ObsDAQ ADC obsdaq.cfg py2/py3 10.1.5
palmacq.py communicate with PalmAcq datalogger obsdaq.cfg py2/py3 10.1.5

8.2 addcred.py


Addcred can be used to keep sensitive credential information out of scripts.

Usage: addcred.py -v -t -c -d -u -p -s -a

-o -l

Options: -v : view all existing credentials -t : define type of data: db, transfer or mail -c : shortcut to access stored information -d : name of a database for db type -u : user name -p : password (will be encrypted) -s : smtp address for mail types -a : address for transfer type -o : host of database -l : port of transfer protocol


       python addcred.py -t transfer -c zamg -u max -p geheim -a "ftp://ftp.remote.ac.at" -l 21
       !!!!  please note: put path in quotes !!!!!!

8.3 archive.py


Archive.py gets data from a databank and stores it to any accessible repository (e.g. disk). Old database entries exceeding a defined age can be deleted in dependency of data resolution. Archive files can be stored in a user defined format. The databank size is automatically restricted in dependency of the sampling rate of the input data. A cleanratio of 12 will only keep the last 12 days of second data, the last 720 days of minute data and approximately 118 years of hourly data are kept. Settings are given in a configuration file. IMPORTANT: data bank entries are solely identified from DATAINFO table. Make sure that your data tables are contained there. IMPORTANT: take care about depth - needs to be large enough to find data


    # Auomatic
    python3 archive.py -c config.cfg

    # Manual for specific sensors and time range
    python3 archive.py -c /config.cfg -b 2020-11-22 -s Sensor1,Sensor2 -d 30



provides credentials, path, defaultdepth, archiveformat, writearchive, applyflags, cleandb, cleanratio and lists and dictionaries to modify criteria for specific sensors: sensordict : Sensor1:depth,format,writeDB,writeArchive,applyFlags,cleanratio; blacklist : BLV,QUAKES,Sensor2,Sensor3,

8.4 ardcomm


Communication program for microcontrollers (here ARDUINO) e.g. used for reomte switching commands

8.5 file_download.py


Downloads data by default in to an archive "raw" structure like /srv/archive/STATIONID/SENSORID/raw Adds data into a MagPy database (if writedatabase is True) Adds data into a basic archive structure (if writearchive is True) The application requires credentials of remote source and local database created by addcred

file_donwload replaces the old collectfile.py routine which is still contained in the package


  1. Getting binary data from a FTP Source every, scheduled day python3 collectfile-new.py -c ../conf/collect-ftpsource.cfg in config "collect-ftpsource.cfg": sourcedatapath : /remote/data filenamestructure : *%s.bin

  2. Getting binary data from a FTP Source every, scheduled day, using seconday time column and an offset of 2.3 seconds python3 collectfile-new.py -c ../conf/collect-ftpsource.cfg in config "collect-ftpsource.cfg": sourcedatapath : /remote/data filenamestructure : *%s.bin LEMI025_28_0002 : defaulttimecolumn:sectime;time:-2.3

  3. Just download raw data to archive python3 collectfile-new.py -c ../conf/collect-ftpsource.cfg in config "collect-ftpsource.cfg": writedatabase : False writearchive : False

  4. Rsync from a ssh server (passwordless access to remote machine is necessary, cred file does not need to contain a pwd) python3 collectfile-new.py -c ../conf/collect-ftpsource.cfg in config "collect-ftpsource.cfg": protocol : rsync writedatabase : False writearchive : False

  5. Uploading raw data from local raw archive python3 collectfile-new.py -c ../conf/collect-localsource.cfg in config "collect-localsource.cfg": protocol :
    sourcedatapath : /srv/archive/DATA/SENSOR/raw writedatabase : False writearchive : True forcerevision : 0001

8.6 file_upload.py


  • upload is not performed and stops already at first input. The log file contains "DEALING with ...", "file upload app finshed", "SUCCESS" Solution:
  • this error is typically related to an empty memory file

8.7 gamma.py


Working with Spectral radiometric data: The gamma script can be used to extract spectral measurements, reorganize the data and to analyze such spectral data as obtained by a DIGIBASE RH.


Prerequisites are a DIGIBASE MCA and the appropriate linux software to run it.

  1. Please install linux drivers as provided and described here: https://github.com/kjbilton/libdbaserh

  2. Use a script to measure spectral data periodically (almost 1h)

     DATUM=$(date '+%Y-%m-%d')
     SN=$(/home/pi/Software/digibase/dbaserh -l | grep : | cut -f 2)
     /home/pi/Software/digibase/dbaserh -set hvt 710
     /home/pi/Software/digibase/dbaserh -q -hv on -start -i 3590 -t 3590 >> $NAME
  3. Use crontab to run this script every hour

     0  *  *  *  *  root  bash /home/pi/Software/gammascript.sh > /var/log/magpy/gamma.log
  4. use gamma.py to extract spectral data and store it in daily json structures

     58 5   *  *  *  root  $PYTHON /home/pi/SCRIPTS/gamma.py -p /srv/mqtt/DIGIBASE_16272059_0001/raw/DIGIBASE_16272059_0001.Chn  -c /home/pi/SCRIPTS/gamma.cfg -j extract,cleanup -o /srv/mqtt/DIGIBASE_16272059_0001/raw/ > /var/log/magpy/digiextract.log  2>&1
  5. use gamma.py to analyse spectral data and create graphs

     30 6   *  *  *  root  $PYTHON /home/pi/SCRIPTS/gamma.py -p /srv/mqtt/DIGIBASE_16272059_0001/raw/ -j load,analyze -c /home/pi/SCRIPTS/gamma.cfg  > /var/log/magpy/digianalyse.log 2>&1

8.8 speedtest.py


Perform a speedtest based on speedtest-cli (https://www.speedtest.net/de/apps/cli)


    sudo apt install speedtest-cli


  1. Run python3 speedtest.py -n speed_starlink01_0001

  2. Run periodically sudo crontab -e

     */5  *  *  *  *  /usr/bin/python3 /path/to/speedtest.py -c /path/to/conf.cfg -n speed_starlink01_0001  > /dev/NULL 2&>1

8.9 testnote.py


Send notifications via email and telegram. testnote.py will create a log file with a message. Whenever, the logfile content (message) is changing, a notification will be send out to the defined receiver. In order to use notifications, please install addapps.


    -m            : message to be send
    -n            : notification type: email, telegram or log
    -c            : path to configuration file
    -l            : key value of the log dictionary (value will be the message)
    -p            : path to the logfile (will contains a dictionary)


    python3 testnote.py -n email -m "Hello World" -c /etc/martas/mail.cfg -l TestMessage -p /home/user/test.log
    python3 testnote.py -n telegram -m "Hello World, I am here" -c /etc/martas/telegram.cfg -l TestMessage -p /home/user/test.log
    python3 testnote.py -n log -m "Hello World again" -l TestMessage -p /home/user/test.log

8.10 db_truncate.py (replaces deleteold.py)


db_truncate.py truncates contents of timesseries in a MagPy database.
Whereas "archive" also allows for truncating the database (based on DATAINO)
"db\_truncate" removes contents from all tables of xxx\_xxx\_xxxx\_xxxx structure.
(independent of DATAINFO contents).
The databank size is automatically restricted
in dependency of the sampling rate of the input data. A cleanratio of 12
will only keep the last
12 days of second data, the last 720 days of minute data and
approximately 118 years of hourly data are kept.
Settings are given in a configuration file.


     python3 db_truncate.py -c truncate.cfg

9. Frequently asked questions

During installation of pip packages dependency problems are occuring

If you observe such problems (problems occured in the past with matplotlib, numpy and/or scipy) then it is advisable to install the recommended packages for your system using apt instead of pip. Please remove the pip packages (pip remove..) and install system packages using e.g. sudo apt install python3-scipy

I want to send out data periodically from a MARTAS acquisition machine using FTP or similar. Is this easily possible?

use app/file_upload.py within crontab (see 8.6)

I want download buffer files from the MARTAS machine peridically in order to fill gaps of my qos 0 MQTT stream. How to do that?

use app/file_download.py within crontab (see 8.5)

10. Checklist for error analysis

10.1 Acquisition

In order to find any issues with data acquisition we recommend to check the following aspects:

1) acquisition process running?  

          sudo /etc/init.d/martas status

   if not start/restart the process

2) log file contents?

          tail -30 /var/log/magpy/martas.log

   Check the logfile contents. Typically they might indicate already what is going wrong. For more detailed information within the logfiles please edit "martas.cdf" and set "debug  :  True" before restarting the acquisition process.

3) buffer file written?

          ls -al /srv/mqtt/YOURSENSOR/

   Check if buffer data written. If buffer file is not written please check acquisition with debug mode (see above). Is your sensor already supported?

10.2 Data transfer and MQTT Broker

1) Can I subscribe to the MQTT data stream?  

          mosquitto_sub -t TOPIC/#

    Above command, issued on the defined data broker (in martas.cfg) will give you some information on published data.

2) Can I subscribe to the data from elsewhere?

          mosquitto_sub -h BROKER_IP_ADDRESS -t TOPIC/#

     If this one fails check section 1.1 again.

2) Can I publish data to a broker?

          mosquitto_pub -h BROKER_IP_ADDRESS -t testTOPIC -m "Hello"

          If this one fails check section 1.1 again.

10.3. MARCOS collector

  1. collector process running?

       sudo /etc/init.d/collect-MYBROKER status

    if not start/restart the process

  2. log file contents

       tail -30 /var/log/magpy/COLLECT.log

    Check the logfile contents. Typically they might indicate already what is going wrong. For more detailed information within the logfiles please edit "martas.cdf" and set "debug : True" before restarting the acquisition process.

  3. data files/ database written

       mysql -u user -p mydb
       select * from DATATABLE order by time desc limit 10;
       ls -al /my/file/destination/

11. Strucure/Files in home directory of MARTAS user

Within the MARTAS directory you will find the following files and programs:

Content Description
acquisition.py accepts options (-h for help)
collector.py accepts options (-h for help)
README.md You are here.
LICENSE.md GNU GPL 3.0 License
requirements.txt for contiunuous integration test runs
app/addcred.py run to add protected credentials to be used e.g. by data sending protocol, database connections etc, avoinding the use of plain text passwords in scripts
app/archive.py MARCOS job to periodically archive contents of the data base into archive files (e.g. CDF). Remove information from the data base exceeding a defined age. The latter requires additionally to run sql optimze routines in order to prevent an overflow of the local data base storage files.
app/ardcomm.py Communication program for microcontrollers (here ARDUINO) e.g. used for reomte switching commands
app/backup_config.sh Bash scripts wich creates a zipped backup file containing all configuration information - stored in HOME/Backups (apply weekly or monthly, section 3.5)
app/cleanup.sh remove buffer files older than a definite period
app/deleteold.py delete old inputs from a database, using a sampling rate dependent indicator (deleteold.py -h)
app/di.py Routine based on MagPys absoluteAnalysis tool to analyse geomagnetic DI measurements from multiple input sources/observatories.
app/file_upload.py Wrapper to upload files to remote machine using either ssh, rsync, ftp
app/file_download.py Wrapper to download files to remote machine using either ssh, rsync, ftp
app/monitor.py Monitoring application to check buffer files (martas), database actuality (marcos), disk space and log files; can trigger external scripts
app/mpconvert.py converts MARTAS binary buffer files to other formats
app/optimzetables.py application to be used with archive.py or deleteold.py; uses SQL Optimze methods to clear the table space after data has been removed - non-blocking
app/sendip.py Helper for checking and sending public IP (via ftp) - OLD
app/serialinit.py Load initialization file (in init) to activate continuous serial data delivery (passive mode)
app/telegramnote.py Small program to send notes to a Telegram Messenger BOT. Useful for periodic information as an alternative to e-mail.
app/testnote.py Small routine to test notification sending via email, telegram, etc.
app/testserial.py Small routine to test serial communication.
app/threshold.py Threshold tester (see section 7.1)
app/obsdaq.py communicate with ObsDAQ ADC (see section 10.1.5)
app/palmacq.py communicate with PalmAcq datalogger (see section 10.1.5)
app/collectfile.py access data locally or via rsync/ssh/ftp and add it to files/DB - OLD - replaced by file_download
app/senddata.py Send data from MARTAS to any other machine using cron/scheduler - OLD - replaced by file_upload
core Core methods used by the most runtime scripts and applications
core/martas.py basic logging routines for MARTAS/MARCOS and wrapper for e-mail,logfile,telegram notifications
core/acquisitionsupport.py contains general communication methods and configuration file interpreters
conf Basic initialization files - used by installer
conf/sensors.cfg skeleton for sensors configuration information
conf/martas.cfg skeleton for basic MARTAS configuration -> acquisition
conf/marcos.cfg skeleton for basic MARCOS configuration -> collector
conf/obsdaq.cfg skeleton for basic obsdaq configuration - enter path in martas.cfg (see 10.1.5)
init Basic initialization files - used by installer
init/martas.sh Start script to be used in /etc/init.d
init/autostart.sh Run to add and sctivate /etc/init.d/martas
init/martas.logrotate Example script to activate logrotation
init/gsm90v7init.sh Initialization script GEM GSM90 v7
init/gsm90v6init.sh Initialization script GEM GSM90 v6
init/pos1init.sh Initialization script Quantum POS1
init/bm35init.sh Initialization script Meteolab BM35 pressure
init/obsdaqinit.sh Initialization script for PalmAcq and ObsDAQ
install Installer scripts. Will update configuration and copy job specific information to /etc/martas (default)
install/install.marcos.sh Installer for collector jobs (section 6.0)
install/install.martas.sh Installer for acquisition jobs (section 3.0)
install/install.telegram.sh Installer for Telegram messenger communication (section 7.3)
install/install.addapps.sh Installer for threshold testing and monitor
install/recover.martas.sh Recovery script to apply a backup (app/backup_config.sh) to a newly installed system (section 3.5)
libraries contain communication libraries for specific systems/protocols/instruments (required by acquisition.py)
libmqtt/... library for supported instruments (mqtt streaming)
libwamp/... library for sup. inst. (wamp streaming) - DISCONTINUED
web Webinterface as used by the collector with destination websocket
web/index.html local main page
web/plotws.js arranging plots of real time diagrams on html page
web/smoothie.js plotting library/program (http://smoothiecharts.org/)
web/smoothiesettings.js define settings for real time plots
oldstuff/... Folder for old contents and earlier versions

12. Appendix

12.1 Acquisition libraries

Instrument versions Inst-type Library mode init py2/py3
LEMI025 mag-vario lemiprotocol.py passive py2,py3
LEMI036 mag-vario lemiprotocol.py passive py2,py3
GSM90 mag-scalar gsm90protocol.py passive gsm90v?init.sh py2,py3
GSM19 mag-scalar gsm19protocol.py py2,py3
GP20S3 mag-scalar gp20s3protocol.py passive py2,(py3)
G823 mag-scalar csprotocol.py passive py2,(py3)
POS1 mag-scalar pos1protocol.py passive pos1init.sh py2,py3 (since 1.0.7)
ENV05 temp-humid envprotocol.py passive py2,py3 (since 1.0.7)
OneWire multiple owprotocol.py passive (py2)/py3
BM35-pressure pressure bm35protocol.py passive bm35init.sh py2/py3
Thies LNM laserdisdro disdroprotocol.py active (py2)/py3
DSP Ultrasonic wind 2D wind dspprotocol.py active (py2)/py3
Lippmann tilt lmprotocol.py active under const.
LORAWAN multiple lorawanprotocol.py
MySQL multiple mysqlprotocol.py active
Arduino multiple arduinoprotocol.py passive (py2)/py3
Arduino multiple activearduinoprotocol.py active py2/py3
AD7714 multiple ad7714protocol.py active
ObsDaq multiple obsdaqprotocol.py active obsdaqinit.sh py2,py3
CR1000/800 multiple cr1000jcprotocol.py active
GIC special gicprotocol.py active py3
DataFiles multiple imfileprotocol.py active py3
Test special testprotocol.py
  • remove- | | laserdisdro | lnmprotocol.py | inactive | |

(py2) indactes that code has been developed and used in python2 but is not tested anymore

12.2 Initialization files

12.2.1 GEM Systems Overhauzr GSM90

Using the initialization file of the GSM90 a command will be send towards the system in order to initialize passive data transfer. You need to edit the initialization file within the configuration directory (default is /etc/martas/init/gsm90...). Please adjust the connected serial port (e.g. S1, USB0 etc) and adept the following parameters:

    -b (baudrate) : default is 115400
    -p (port)
    -c (command to send:)
        5          -> filter (5= 50Hz, 6= 60Hz)
        T048.5     -> Tuning field in microT
        C          ->
        datetime   -> initialize time with PC time (see option k)
        h          -> switch to auto-cycle method (sometime necessary)
        D          -> sampling rate: D -> down, U -> up, leave out to keep sampling rate
        R          -> Run

12.2.2 Quantum POS1

12.2.3 Meteolabs BM35 pressure

12.2.4 ObsDAQ / PalmAcq

Having set up MARTAS, but before logging data, make sure to have the right settings for Palmacq and ObsDAQ.

  1. Use palmacq.py -h and obsdaq.py -h for further information. These two scripts can be used to make settings easily by editing, but it is recommended not to edit beyond " # please don't edit beyond this line "
  2. This step is optional: use obsdaqinit.sh without config file to test the initialization of PalmAcq and ObsDAQ (edit file). Final settings should be written into obsdaq.cfg.
  3. edit obsdaqinit.sh (set MARTAS dir and path to obsdaq.cfg)
  4. Edit martas.cfg to tell MARTAS where to find obsdaqinit.sh e.g. initdir : /etc/martas/init/
  5. Add following line to martas.cfg, e.g.: obsdaqconfpath : /etc/martas/obsdaq.cfg
  6. Edit sensors.cfg e.g. like following line: FGE_S0252_0002,USB0,57600,8,1,N,passive,obsdaqinit.sh,-,1,obsdaq,FGE,S0252,0002,-,ABS-67,GPS,magnetism,magnetic fluxgate from Denmark
  7. start acquisition by e.g. /etc/init.d/martas start. Note, that acquisition will not start until Palmacq gets LEAPSECOND (= 18, set in obsdaq.cfg) over the GPS antenna. This guarantees correct GPS time. From now on NTP time will be recorded additionally in the sectime column

12.2.5 LM

12.3 Dallas OW (One wire) support

a) modify owfs,conf $ sudo nano /etc/owfs.conf

  Modify the following parts as shown below:
    #This part must be changed on real installation
    #server: FAKE = DS18S20,DS2405

    # USB device: DS9490
    server: usb = all

b) start the owserver $ sudo etc/init.d/owserver start

12.4 Communicating with an Arduino Uno Microcontroller

An [Arduino Microcontroller] has to be programmed properly with serial outputs, which are interpretable from MARTAS. Such Arduino programs are called sketch. MARTAS contains a few example scripts, which show, how these sketches need to work, in order to be used with MARTAS. In principle, two basic acquisition modes are supported for Arduinos:

  • active mode: the active mode sends periodic data requests to the Arduino. This process is non-blocking and supports communication with the Arduino inbetween data requests. E.g. switching commands can be send.

  • passive mode: the arduino ins configured to periodically send data to the serial port. This process is blocking. Passive communication is preferable for high sampling rates.

Within the sensors.cfg configuration file the following line need to be added to communicate with an Arduino:

  Active mode (port ttyACM0, data request every 30 sec):
    ARDUINO1,ACM0,9600,8,1,N,active,None,30,1,ActiveArduino,ARDUINO,-,0001,-,M1,NTP,environment,arduino sensors

  Passive mode (port ttyACM0):
    ARDUINO1,ACM0,9600,8,1,N,passive,None,-,1,Arduino,ARDUINO,-,0001,-,M1,NTP,environment,arduino sensors

In both cases, all sensors connected to the Arduino (and properly configured within the sketch) will then be automatically detected and added to sensors.cfg automatically with a leading questionmark. You can edit sensors.cfg and update respective meta information for each sensor.

Within the subdirectory MARTAS/sketchbook you will find a few example sketches for the Arduino Uno Rev3 board. The serial number of the Arduino is hardcoded into those scripts. If you are going to use these scripts then please change the serial number accordingly:

In all sketches you will find a line like:

    String ASERIALNUMBER="75439313637351A08180"

Replace the serial number with your Arduion number. To find out your serial number you can use something like

    dmesg | grep usb

The following sketches are currently contained:

Sketch name version mode job
sketch_MARTAS_ac_ow_sw 1.0.0 active requesting 1-wire sensor data and enabling remote switching of pin 4 (default: off) and pin 5 (default: on)
sketch_MARTAS_pa_ow 1.0.0 passive recording 1-wire sensor data

If you change the sensor configuration of the Arduino, then you need to stop martas, eventually delete the existing arduino block (with the leading questionmark), connect the new sensor configuration and restart MARTAS. Make sure to disconnect the Arduino, before manipulating its sensor configuration. You can check the Arduino independently by looking at Arduino/Tools/SerialMonitor (make sure that MARTAS processes are not running).

IMPORTANT NOTE: for active access it is sometimes necessary to start the SerialMonitor from arduino before starting MARTAS. The reason is not clarified yet. This is important after each reboot. If not all sensors are detetcted, you can try to send the RESET command "reS" to the arduino. This will reload available sensors. Such problem might occur if you have several one wire sensors connected to the arduion and remove or replace sensors, or change their configuration.

13. Installation of a MARTAS Box - recipies

13.1 MARTAS minimal installation with root privileges - Debian systems like Raspberry, Ubuntu, Beaglebome, etc

13.1.1 Step 0: Get you Debian system ready (install Ubuntu, Raspberry, Beaglebone, etc)

Please install your preferred debian like system onto your preferred hardware. MARTAS will work with every debian like system. Please follow the installation instructions given for the specific operating system. In the following we will give a quick example of such preparations for a Raspberry installation using debian bullseye:

Install the operating system (i.e. debian bullseye) on a SD card using i.e. Balena Etcher. Do that on your linux working PC, which is NOT the single board computer. Afterwards insert the SD card into the single board computer and boot it. Finish the initial configurations as requested during the boot process.

Afterwards you might want to change hostname (Raspberry PI configuration or update /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts), partitions on SD card (sudo apt install gparted), proxy configurations (/etc/environment) and in case of raspberry enable ssh (raspberry PI configuration).

13.1.2 Step 1: Install necessary packages for all MARTAS applications

Packages for MARTAS (including NAGIOS and MagPy support):

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt upgrade
    sudo apt-get install ntp arduino ssh mosquitto mosquitto-clients nagios-nrpe-server nagios-plugins fswebcam python3-matplotlib python3-scipy python3-serial python3-twisted python3-wxgtk4.0 python3-pip

After installation you might want to configure ntp servers. You can activate pwd-less ssh access. To change from local time to UTC time the following command is useful:

    sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

Configure the mosquitto MQTT broker:

    sudo nano /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/listener.conf

Insert the following lines:

    listener 1883
    allow_anonymous true
    # Use the following line and ananymus false for authenicated login
    #password_file /etc/mosquitto/passwd
    max_queued_messages 3000

Restart and check the status of the mosquitto broker

    sudo systemctl restart mosquitto.service
    sudo systemctl status mosquitto.service

13.1.3 Step 2: Install MARTAS

Open a terminal and clone MARTAS into your home directory:

    cd ~
    git clone https://github.com/geomagpy/MARTAS

OPTIONAL: create a special python environment for all MARTAS related packages

    python3 -m menv /path/to/menv

Install MARTAS:

    cd ~/MARTAS/install
    sudo bash install.martas.sh

An initial question will ask for the python path. If you are using an optional environment, then please insert this path. All required packages will then be installed in this environment. Install monitoring and additional MARTAS applications:

    cd ~/MARTAS/install
    sudo bash install.addapps.sh

Copy some default routines into the configuration path

    sudo cp ~/MARTAS/app/cleanup.sh /etc/martas/
    sudo cp ~/MARTAS/app/backup_config.sh /etc/martas/

and add them into the scheduler:

    sudo nano /etc/crontab

    # Insert these lines into /etc/crontab
    15 0    * * * root /bin/bash /etc/martas/cleanup.sh
    10 0    1 * * root /bin/bash /etc/martas/backup_config.sh
    5  0    * * * root /etc/init.d/martas start

Thats it. MARTAS is now ready to be used. Continue with sensor definitions and tests. Alternatively you can recover configurations from a previously backuped system (continue with 13.1.4).

Useful commands to check ports for sensor definitions are i.e.

    dmesg | grep usb

13.1.4 optional Step 3: recover a previously backuped system

Please also check section 3.5.

Copy the backup file to the new MARTAS machine i.e. in directory /home/user/Downloads/

Then run the following command and follow the instructions:

    cd ~/MARTAS/install
    sudo bash recover.martas.sh

IMPORTANT: Recovered configuration files will replace all previously exisiting files. Please note: if python paths are changing (i.e. now python3, previously python2) then these paths need to be updated after recovery. Please carefully chech /etc/martas/init/*.sh, /etc/init.d/martas, as well as all configuration files in /etc/martas.

13.2 Full installation on Raspberry - MARCOS/MARTAS

The following example contains a full installation of MARTAS, MARCOS with full database support, XMagPy, Nagios monitoring control, Webinterface, and an archive on an external harddrive.

sudo apt-get install curl wget g++ zlibc gv imagemagick gedit gedit-plugins gparted ntp arduino ssh openssl libssl-dev gfortran  libproj-dev proj-data proj-bin git owfs mosquitto mosquitto-clients libncurses-dev build-essential nagios-nrpe-server nagios-plugins apache2 mariadb-server php php-mysql phpmyadmin netcdf-bin curlftpfs fswebcam

# alternative - system python
sudo apt-get install python3-matplotlib python3-scipy cython3 python3-h5py python3-twisted python3-wxgtk4.0 python3-pip

sudo pip3 install pymysql
sudo pip3 install pyproj
sudo pip3 install paho-mqtt
sudo pip3 install pyserial
sudo pip3 install pexpect
sudo pip3 install service_identity
sudo pip3 install pyownet
sudo pip3 install geomagpy

cd ~/Downloads/
git clone git://github.com/SalemHarrache/PyCampbellCR1000.git
cd PyCamp*
sudo python3 setup.py install

#### Optional: Setup MARTAS

cd ~
git clone https://github.com/geomagpy/MARTAS.git

#Create a desktop entry for MagPy
# -------
#[Desktop Entry]
#GenericName=GeoMagPy User Interface

cd ~/Downloads/
sudo cp xmagpy.desktop /usr/share/applications/

### Create a Database: magpy
# -------
# Firstly create a super user
sudo mysql -u root

# Initialize magpy DB
# -------
>>> from magpy.database import *
>>> db=mysql.connect(host="localhost",user="magpy",passwd="magpy",db="magpydb")
>>> dbinit(db)
>>> exit()

# install martas and marcos  (StationName: box)
# -------
cd ~/MARTAS/app
addcred -t db -c magpydb -u magpy -p magpy -d magpydb -o localhost
sudo addcred -t db -c magpydb -u magpy -p magpy -d magpydb -o localhost
cd ~/MARTAS/install
which python
# Station = box
sudo bash install.martas.sh
sudo bash install.marcos.sh

# set background picture of Cobs
# -------
sudo cp ~/Downloads/magpybox.jpg /usr/share/rpd-wallpaper/

# Links to phpmyadmin and Cobs in Browser
# -------

# Configuration and cleanup
# -------

# telegram and addaps
sudo bash install.telegram.bot
sudo bash install.addapps.sh
#-> us bot farther to create a new bot for the machine, update keys und user_ids

# timeserver
sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

# remote access
anydesk, teamviewer or tmate

# check all crontab for $PYTHON and other vaiables

$ sudo nano /etc/owfs.conf

#Modify the following parts as shown below:
#This part must be changed on real installation
#server: FAKE = DS18S20,DS2405

# USB device: DS9490
server: usb = all

sudo nano /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg
# MARTAS/MagPy commands:
# -----------------
command[check_procs_martas]=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_procs -c 1:1 -C python -a acquisition.py
command[check_all_disks]=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_disk -w 20% -c 10% -e -A -i '.gvfs'
command[check_log]=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_log -F /var/log/magpy/martas.log -O /tmp/martas.log -q ?

# NTP check (optional)
#command[check_ntp_time]=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_ntp_time -H your.ntp.server -w 1 -c 2

crontab -e

#MARTAS - delete old buffer files
15 0 * * * $BASH /home/pi/MARTAS/app/cleanup.sh
#MARCOS - archive database contents
30 0 * * * $PYTHON /home/pi/MARTAS/app/archive.py -c magpydb -p /srv/archive

# MOUNT external disks
sudo blkid
sudo nano /etc/fstab

#add a line like
UUID=d46...   /srv   ext4  defaults,auto,users,rw,nofail  0  0

sudo mount -a


13.3 Testing MQTT data transfer

See also in section 10.2 (error analysis). On the collector or any other MQTT machine issue the following subscription command:

    mosquitto_sub -h IPADDRESS_OF_MARTAS -t test/#

On the freshly installed MARTAS machine issue the following command:

    mosquitto_pub -h localhost -m "test message" -t test -d

In case you are using a different MQTT broker: change 'localhost' and 'IPADDRESS_OF_MARTAS' with the IP of the BROKER In case you are using authenticated access use the following additional options:

    mosquitto_pub -h localhost -m "test message" -t test -u USERNAME -P SECRET -d

As soon as you press return at the mosquitto_pub command you should read "test message" below your subscription command. Checkout the official mosquitto pages for more information.

14. Short descriptions and Cookbooks

14.1 quick steps to run a new MARTAS with a new sensor for the first time

In this example we use a MARTAS i.e. readily installed beaglebone and connect a GSM19 Overhauzer sensor:

A. GSM19 Sensor

  1. Power on by pressing "B"
  2. go to "C - Info"
  3. go to "B - RS232"
  4. note parameters and then "F - Ok"
  5. switch real-time transfer to yes and then "F - Ok"
  6. "F - Ok"
  7. press "1" and "C" for main menu
  8. start recording - press "A"
  9. if GPS is set to yes wait until GPS is found

B. MARTAS - beaglebone (BB)

  1. connect BB to a DHCP network (if not possible connect a usbhub and screen+keyboard, then login and continue with 4.)
  2. find out its IP
    • option (1): with fully installed telegrambot: just send "getip" to the bot
    • option (2): connect a screen and use ifconfig
    • option (3): from a remote machine in the same network: check router or use nmap
  3. connect to BB via ssh: defaultuser: debian
  4. stop MARTAS: $ sudo su $ /etc/init.d/martas stop
  5. connect your sensor to the usb serial port using a usb to rs232 converter
  6. check "lsusb" to see the name of the converter (e.g. pl2303)
  7. check "dmesg | grep usb" to get the connections port like ttyUSB0
  8. edit /etc/martas/sensors.cfg make use of the SENSORID, the parameters of A4 and the port info of B7 (SENSORID should contain serial number of the system i.e. GSM19_123456_0001)
  9. save /etc/martas/sensors.cfg

A. GSM19 Sensor 10. final check of sensor configration (i.e. base mode, 1 sec, no AC filter) 11. start recording

B. MARTAS 10. start recording: $ sudo su $ /etc/init.d/martas start $ exit 11. check recording: $ cat /var/log/magpy/martas.log (check log file) $ ls -al /srv/mqtt/SENSORID (check buffermemory for new data)

14.2 quick steps to setup a fully configured MARTAS with the respective sensor(s)

In this example we use a MARTAS with a GSM19 Overhauzer sensor:

A. Sensor (GSM19)

  1. Connect the sensor to power and MARTAS
  2. Switch on the sensor and start recoding (all A steps in 12.6.1)


  1. Connect MARTAS to power

Check whether everything is running. On MARTAS you should check whether the buffer file is increasing and eventually the log file. Please note: data is written as soon as all sensor specific information is available. When attaching a micro controller (i.e. arduino) you might need to wait about 10 times the sampling rate (i.e. 10min for 1min sampling rate) until data is written to the buffer.

15. Issues and TODO

in some cases, if the recording process terminates, the daily buffer file might be corrupt. In that case you need to delete the daily file and restart the recoding process. The next daily file will be OK in any case.

  • add trigger mode for GSM90 (sending f)
  • add to #5
  • update scp_log to use protected creds
  • add in how-to for using senddata and addcreds

[Telegram] : https://telegram.org/ [Telegram Botfather] : https://core.telegram.org/bots [Arduino Microcontroller] : http://www.arduino.cc/