geometry is a minimal, fully customizable and composable zsh prompt theme
- 1
Unexpected behavior when geometry_git is in GEOMETRY_PROMPT instead of GEOMETRY_RPROMPT
#318 opened by simensen - 0
Make new gifs using vhs
#316 opened by jedahan - 3
Request - Add install tool Oh-My-Zsh
#310 opened by chris-c-thomas - 1
- 2
- 0
- 2
geometry swallows output without trailing \n
#306 opened by itsxaos - 1
GEOMETRY_CMDTITLE has issues with escape codes
#303 opened by torarnv - 7
Holding enter crashes on macOS
#289 opened by jedahan - 0
Custom git GEOMETRY_RPROMPT spews to stderr
#295 opened by duncanbeevers - 2
GEOMETRY_INFO is surprising
#292 opened by jedahan - 23
Release Checklist
#260 opened by jedahan - 0
Investigate supporting gitstatus
#284 opened by jedahan - 2
clobber ASYNC_FD
#286 opened by jedahan - 0
Update async prompt functions independently
#287 opened by jedahan - 12
possibility to deactivate `hostname`
#280 opened by myyc - 1
geometry::wrap prints unneeded space if output of called function is empty or single-space
#291 opened by Konsonanz - 1
Prompt displays hostname after empty command
#290 opened by mmathys - 1
update awesome lists
#248 opened by jedahan - 5
Git reports errors in git submodules
#285 opened by JokeNeverSoke - 3
Explicit args for default plugins
#282 opened by kyeshmz - 5
command not found: geometry_plugin_register when installing plugins both manually and with antigen
#281 opened by sornas - 2
exec_time doesn't show in prompt
#278 opened by barnsza - 2
- 3
- 17
An error under zsh 5.0.0: "geometry::info:local:2: not valid in this context: ..."
#246 opened by psprint - 1
- 8
A variable `fun` gets defined
#269 opened by psprint - 0
fatal: ref HEAD is not a symbolic ref
#268 opened by psprint - 1
change default color from white to default
#265 opened by jedahan - 7
`read -r line` doesn't work
#262 opened by psprint - 31
- 3
Up arrow not displayed in README screencast gif
#258 opened by wolf99 - 3
zplug-installed, not showing right prompt
#255 opened by alittlebitweird - 2
LS colors aren't showing correctly
#256 opened by CarlosMed - 15
Can't type after a fresh install
#241 opened by gtarraga - 3
Cleanup branches
#240 opened by jedahan - 1
cut release on github releases
#250 opened by jedahan - 2
created deprecated lib
#249 opened by jedahan - 2
write release announcement
#247 opened by jedahan - 1
The geometry theme incorrectly installed
#243 opened by dyrkow - 9
- 1
- 2
Setup CI for zsh-5
#252 opened by jedahan - 2
test refactoring geometry_git to use vcs_info
#245 opened by jedahan - 5
Investigate non-pty async for rprompt
#254 opened by jedahan - 1
Try and recreate interesting prompts
#237 opened by jedahan - 1
Refactor geometry_git function
#242 opened by jedahan - 2
Sample configuration as seen in the gif
#244 opened by mmathys - 2
Remove async?
#236 opened by jedahan