
JPEG decompression error

carlosmanacorda opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello everybody,

I am just trying to use geomorph to digitize my data for subsequent analysis. In a separate folder I have placed 13 photographs and created a .csv file with the names of each image (IMG_5859, IMG_5869 and so on) in a column. Then I wrote:

digitize2d("filelistColDL2.csv", nlandmarks=6, scale = NULL, tpsfile= "tpsoutputColDL2.tps", MultScale = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)

And the outcome:

Digitizing specimen 1 in filelist
Error in readJPEG(filelist[i], native = T) :
JPEG decompression error: Not a JPEG file: starts with 0x49 0x4d

However, when I inspect the Properties of the images, they are said to be "Image JPEG (.JPG)".

So, were is the problem? And is there a way to fix it?

Many thanks in advance!