
plotGMPhyloMorphoSpace-> Error in svd(x, nu = 0, nv = k) : infinite or missing values in 'x'

Closed this issue · 4 comments


I've been trying to resolve this issue for a couple of days now, and I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing wrong and would really appreciate your assistance if possible!

I'm trying to use the function plotGMPhyloMorphoSpace with a landmark dataset of 42 individuals with 13 landmarks from two species, with a tree with the same 42 individuals.

When I first ran the analysis I got the error:
Error in plotGMPhyloMorphoSpace(phy = crassula_uniplicata_tree, A = crassula_uniplicata_gpa) :
tree is not fully bifurcating (consider 'multi2di' in ape.

Ran multi2di in ape, and now the phy file is binary. However when I run the analysis it now comes up with the error "Error in svd(x, nu = 0, nv = k) : infinite or missing values in 'x". I used the original tree and the bifurcating tree both in the physignal function and it works.

My tree is:


Phylogenetic tree with 42 tips and 41 internal nodes.

Tip labels:
HLS21122_crassula, HLS21125_crassula, HLS21133_crassula, HLS20698_uniplicata, HLS20692_uniplicata, HLS20704_uniplicata, ...

Rooted; includes branch lengths

I've checked through some of the normal issues, such as names not matching up, and used the match function to check this

[1] 32 34 38 20 16 23 19 3 4 28 17 22 25 24 35 33 18 21 41 42 1 2 15 26 5 8 36 37 9 6 7 10 14 12 11 13 29 27 30
[40] 39 31 40

Any help you can give me on this would be greatly appreciated.

Best wishes,


Hi Antigoni,

Thank you so much for your quick reply!
Unfortunately I am using $coords and it's still not working.
Please find attached my data and script, if you have a chance to see if there are any glaring errors I've made that could be stopping this from working I'd greatly appreciate it!


Hi Antigoni,

Thank you so much for looking at the data and working out what was wrong, I really appreciate it!