
Backend store unavailable while edit metadata

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Due to the base variable used for variety of javascript, xsl, and html

<xsl:variable name="resourceContainerDescription"
select="util:getResourceContainerDescription($metadataInfo/uuid, ($metadataInfo/draft != 'y'))"/>

When the backend store is not available which returns an runtime exception


I attempt to putting exception try catch ignoring within the execution method

if (store.getResourceManagementExternalProperties() != null && store.getResourceManagementExternalProperties().isFolderEnabled()) {
ServiceContext context = ServiceContext.get();
return store.getResourceContainerDescription(ServiceContext.get(), metadataUuid, approved);
} else {
// Return an empty object which should not be used because the folder is not enabled.
return new FilesystemStoreResourceContainer(metadataUuid, -1, null, null, null, approved);

But the page looks corrupted:


It would be nice feature to develop to have metadata editing available even though the backend store is not available