GeoNetwork is a catalog application to manage spatially referenced resources. It provides powerful metadata editing and search functions as well as an interactive web map viewer. It is currently used in numerous Spatial Data Infrastructure initiatives across the world.
Pinned issues
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Difficulties for integrating/linking WFS/WMS geoservices into metadata record (slowness)
#8501 opened by image80 - 14
GeoNetwork 5 user interface
#8451 opened by jahow - 2
Assign doi task as non-admin
#8472 opened by f-necas - 1
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Upgrade to ElasticSearch 8.14 client doesn't work with previous versions of Elasticsearch server 8.X or 7.X
#8305 opened by josegar74 - 1
WMTS Layers
#8189 opened by AlexanderSolovov - 1
Create metadata error when using subportals
#8251 opened by josegar74 - 2
Delete all metadata of a CSW harvester
#8194 opened by rime1014 - 1
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Connection pool issue with resource download
#8441 opened by ianwallen - 0
<dcat:Distribution rdf:about= count and <dcat:Distribution rdf:resource= counts does not match in CSW service DCAT output
#8415 opened by ThomasG77 - 0
Creation dates added to XML after editing approved records (workflow enabled)
#8411 opened by arhamqureshi - 0
NotImplementedException in ES: RDF not implemented for metadata editing (help with API)
#8410 opened by carlosquesadaG - 2
Feedback sending, java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/activation/DataSource
#8346 opened by PeriklisICES - 0
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Citations doe snot show the "title".
#8370 opened by joanma747 - 2
Identifying (GetFeatureInfo) on a WMS layer in the map only shows data in columns with a lowercase title
#8353 opened by mbrunger - 2
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JSON Attachments are returned as BASE64
#8343 opened by joanma747 - 2
Delete ISO 19139 thumbnail in the metadata editor doesn't work in GeoNetwok 4.2.x
#8321 opened by josegar74 - 5
Metadata workflow - publish a draft metadata doesn't update the status in the search index
#8341 opened by josegar74 - 0
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East West extents flipped in Dublin Core
#8255 opened by ByronCinNZ - 0
Special characters in the cookie causing 400 bad requests from Spring Security
#8275 opened by xiechangning20 - 0
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Layers added to map not visible in 3D map mode
#8325 opened by mbrunger - 0
Mouse map navigation not working in 3D map mode
#8324 opened by mbrunger - 3
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Record history not being recorded if validation on metadata save is also enabled
#8288 opened by alexarobu - 0
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Zoom to map popup remains active on non-map pages
#8260 opened by ianwallen - 0
mapfish-print 2.3.1 update
#8272 opened by jodygarnett - 4
Access right by records page not showing records
#8259 opened by jjohnston-aims - 1
Homepage contains blurry thumbnails
#8254 opened by jjohnston-aims - 0
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example to add xml element using geonetwork api
#8246 opened by tp0b - 0
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WFS resource: not taken into account by privileges
#8236 opened by jeanpommier - 1
URLs ending in 1,2,3 or 5 within text blocks are truncated, making the link invalid
#8226 opened by duncanw - 1
Errors in converting ISO19115-3 metadata to ISO19139
#8220 opened by ByronCinNZ - 2
How to remove a submenu item?
#8182 opened by laers - 0
Error when importing new record in ZIP format, loading templates and examples of selected standards in Oracle 19c connected database
#8177 opened by ludbing - 0
Multiple URLs in text join up to create invalid links
#8169 opened by duncanw - 0
Overview not shown in PDF export for PDF files generated from the Search tab
#8168 opened by alexarobu - 2