
Computer Graphics with OpenGL and C++

Primary LanguageC

Computer Graphics With OpenGL

This project was inspired Joey de Vries - Learn OpenGL and David Wolff - OpenGL 4.0 Shading Language Cookbook. It will illustrate some of the most common computer graphics techinques used in the industry, including topics such as primitive objects, camera system, texturing, lighting, fragment and geometry shading, shadows and screen-space filters.

Computer graphics is a field in Computer Science which studies methods for digitally synthesizing and manipulating visual content to make computers easier to interact with, and better for understanding and interpreting many types of data. It has profound impact in many types of media (graphics design, animation, 3d modelling, medical imaging, image processing, and computer vision among others) and industries (films, television, advertising and video games).

Getting Started

NOTE: The project is configured for Mac OSX using CMake.

  1. Download and install the CMake.app for Mac OS X 10.7 or later
  2. Open Terminal.app on your Mac and enter the following commands.
  3. Install CMake Command Line Tools for Terminal
% sudo "/Applications/CMake.app/Contents/bin/cmake-gui" --install
  1. Clone the project on your Mac and ensure that you have the 'build', 'src', 'Includes', 'Libraries' folders, including 'CMakeLists.txt' and ComputerGraphicsWithOpenGLConfig.h.in files.
% cd ./Downloads
% git clone https://github.com/geoo993/ComputerGraphicsWithOpenGL.git
% cd ./ComputerGraphicsWithOpenGL
% ls  

CMakeLists.txt				Libraries
ComputerGraphicsWithOpenGLConfig.h.in	build
Includes				src

NOTE: Please fetch all the large files from the resources directory using git lfs

% cd ./src/resources
% brew install git lfs
% git lfs install
% git lfs pull
Downloading LFS objects:  53% (101/190), 198 MB | 2.7 MB/s
  1. Check that all the project libraries are available
% cd ../../Libraries 
% ls
libGLEW.2.1.0.dylib           libfmodstudioL.dylib
libassimp.4.1.0.dylib         libfreeimage.3.17.0.dylib
libfmod.dylib                 libfreeimageplus.3.17.0.dylib
libfmodL.dylib                libfreetype.6.dylib
libfmodstudio.dylib           libglfw.3.2.dylib
  1. Download the missing libpng16.16.dylib shared library of libfreetype.6.dylib with Homebrew
% brew install libpng
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/libpng/1.6.37: 27 files, 1.2MB
  1. Check that cmake is running in Terminal
% cmake --version
cmake version 3.15.2

% which cmake   
  1. Go to the build folder
% cd ../build

and make sure you have installed Xcode Command Line Tools and pointing towards the Xcode Developer directory

% xcode-select --install # Install Command Line Tools if you haven't already.
% sudo xcode-select --switch /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools # Enable command line tools

or alternatively specify to use the full Xcode.app (if you have it installed) with:

% sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer
  1. Configure and generate the Xcode project inside the build folder
% cmake -G "Xcode" ../
% ls
CMakeCache.txt				ComputerGraphicsWithOpenGLConfig.h
CMakeFiles				cmake_install.cmake
CMakeScripts				src
  1. The Xcode project should be available in the build folder of the project. Open the Xcode project ComputerGraphicsWithOpenGL.xcodeproj and set the active scheme to ComputerGraphicsWithOpenGL target in the Build Scheme
Find and select: Product => Scheme => Choose Scheme => ComputerGraphicsWithOpenGL
  1. Build and Run ComputerGraphicsWithOpenGL in Xcode
Find and select: Product => Run

or using Terminal

% cmake --build . --target ComputerGraphicsWithOpenGL --config Debug
% ./src/Debug/ComputerGraphicsWithOpenGL



  • Move in the scene with Arrow Keys ➡️ ⬅️ ⬆️ ⬇️
  • Toggle movement speed with O

Move Pointlights:

  • Move pointlight Up with Q
  • Move pointlight Down with A
  • Move pointlight Forward with S
  • Move pointlight Backward with D
  • Move pointlight Right with E
  • Move pointlight Left with W
  • Select pointlight with I

Look Around:

  • Move and Hold screen with 🖱️

  • Zoom with 🖱️ (Mouse wheel)

UI Interaction:

  • Click on Buttons or drag Sliders with 🖱️



  • Cube
  • Sphere
  • Quad
  • Torus
  • Torus Knot
  • Metal Balls
  • Teapot
  • Planar Terrain and HeightMap Terrain
  • Trolley


Image Based Lighting (IBL)

Image Based Lighting (IBL)

Blinn Phong Lighting

Blinn Phong Lighting

HDR Tone Mapping

HDR Tone Mapping


Physically Based Rendering (PBR)

Physically Based Rendering (PBR)

Bump Mapping

Bump Mapping

Parallax Mapping

Parallax Mapping

Chromatic Aberration

Chromatic Aberration

Environment Mapping (Reflection and Refraction)

Environment Mapping



Fireball (Geometry Shader)


Wireframe (Geometry Shader)


Porcupine / Display Normal (Geometry Shader)


Toon / Cell Shading

Toon Shading

Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing (FXAA) (Geometry Shader)

Fast Approximate Anti Aliasing

Post Processing Effects

Color Inversion

Color Inversion

Gray Scale

Gray Scale



Kernel Blur

Image Based Lighting (IBL)

Sobel Edge Detection

Kernel Blur

Frei-Chen Edge Detection

Frei Chen Edge Detection

Screen Wave

Screen Wave



Night Vision

Night Vision

Lens Circle

Lens Circle



Dream Vision

Dream Vision





Knitted Pixelation

Knitted Pixelation

Frosted Glass Pixelation Effect

Frosted Glass Pixelation Effect

Frosted Glass Screen Wave Effect

Frosted Glass Screen Wave Effect

Cross Hatching

Cross Hatching

Predators Thermal Vision

Predators Thermal Vision





Fish Eye

Fish Eye

Barrel Distortion

Barrel Distortion

Multi-Screen Fish Eye

Multi-Screen Fish Eye

Fish Eye Lens

Fish Eye Lens

Fish Eye / Anti-Fish Eye

Fish Eye / Anti-Fish Eye

Gaussian Blur

Gaussian Blur



Radial Blur

Radial Blur

Motion Blur

Motion Blur



Bright Parts

Bright Parts



Lens Flare

Lens Flare

Screen Space Ambient Occlusion

Screen Space Ambient Occlusion

Depth Testing

Depth Testing

Depth Mapping

Depth Mapping

Directional Shadow Mapping

Directional Shadow Mapping

Omnidirectional Shadow Mapping

Omnidirectional Shadow Mapping

Deferred Rendering

Deferred Rendering

Rain Drops

Rain Drops

Palette Quantization And Dithering

Palette Quantization And Dithering

Distorted TV

Distorted TV

RGB Display

RGB Display

Retro Parallax

Retro Parallax

Money Filter

Money Filter

Microprism Mosaic

Microprism Mosaic

Bayer Matrix Dithering

Bayer Matrix Dithering

Julia Freak

Julia Freak

Heart Blend

Heart Blend

EM Interference

EM Interference

Cubic Lens Distortion

Cubic Lens Distortion

Cel Shaderish

Cel Shaderish

Cartoon Video

Cartoon Video

Built With
