
A project of all new stock and crypto market initial public offerings

Primary LanguageSwift


A small project to display the upcoming initial public offerings in USA Stock Exchanges. It has 2 Tabs, one for the list of IPO's and the second for the user Favourites IPO stocks.

Overal this project aims to demostrate many iOS app development techniques and features.

What is Featured


The providers of the financial data are:

  • Finnhub provides the ipo lists and filings infomation
  • Marketaux provides the financial news of stocks in the stocks market.


  • Using SwiftUI Views, Modifiers and ViewBuilders.
  • Using States, Observables and Bindings


The project is seperated into different module to represent clean architecture and SOLID principles

  • MarketDropsCore contains app wide common functionalities
  • MarketDropsRouting layer handles navigation and deeplinking, where previously in UIKit it would be referred as the Coordinator.
  • MarketDropsAPIClient has the API client requests (i.e Finnhub and Marketaux) and their Entities
  • MarketDropsDomain layer represents the Domain use cases of each entity
  • MarketDrops is the main application target which contains the Presentation and Data Layer


  • All modules are tested with unit tests and the project had code coverage enabled.

Error Handling

Should errors occur when using the financial API's, users will be notified with an Alert.


The supported deeplinks are as follows:

  • applink:///ipo
  • applink:///ipo?symbol=BIAF&date=2022-08-30&status=expected
  • applink:///favourites


  • Most API's and developed using Combine

Image caching

Images loaded for financial news are cached and reused


The persistence mechanism used is UserDefaults, other options could have been Core Data or File Manager but since we only needed to store symbols. UserDefaults was simple enough.


The project uses Localizable strings, but currently only for English language.

Light and Dark mode

Colors support Light and Dark mode.

Haptic Feedback

Haptics feedbacks are embeded in NavigationBar items and List items.

Empty state

When a user still hasn't selected a favourite stock, they are presented with an Empty state prompting them to select their favourite stock.

Design Pattern

The app design pattern and infrastructure is inspired by Pointfree, it follows The Composible Architecture Design where screens are driven by a reducer that uses State, Action and Environment
