
A web Multi Coin based Point of Sale


What is the btcPOS?:

btc Accepted

It's the ideal web based point-of-sale (POS) solution for restaurants, bars, cafés, and all retail merchants accepting Bitcoin. btcPOS can easily give merchants the ability to accept bitcoin payments in store fronts.

Our goal is to bring the web service of crypto-currencies into the 'real world' in every way possible, without the merchant requiring a specialized POS or or register for accepting payments. We want nothing less than for every merchant, storefront, vending machine, parking garage, subway turnstile, taxicab, and whatever-else-can-be-imagined, to accept payments with crypto-currencies.

Just set up an account on btcPOS with your bitcoin wallet address and your business can start receiving Bitcoin payments.

(advertise your BTC acceptance and bring new customers in!)

btc Accepted

Why is this needed?:

Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies have the potential to change the world in the same way the internet and world wide web did. However, for this to happen there have to be products and infrastructure to allow easy, seamless, use in daily life. Our mission is to help build out the bitcoin and crypto-currency commerce infrastructure and introduce merchants to the blockchain technology and its benefits to alternative forms of payments for merchants.

[Visit our WiKi for details] (https://github.com/geopayme/btcPays.me/wiki)

This is an effort of Geopay.me marketplace merchant tools.

Login screen Register screen