1️⃣ SeisEyePy 〽️ 🔍 🐍

Station and earthquake searching based on the FDSN web services (FDSNWS).

The motivation of developing these FDSNWS-based searching tools is that the internet may go wrong when showing data on web page. The slow network speed in some regions also urges us to build some graphical user interface (GUI) to help us to conduct the furture work of processing seismic data.

In folder Station_Earthquake_Searching, someone can find two searching tools: widget_earthquake.py and widget_station.py, and we can use them to search earthquakes and seismic stations from different data centers.

1.1 Dependencies tested on Windows 10:

  • Python3.7 (Anaconda-
  • PyQt-5.15.4
  • matplotlib-3.2.2
  • folium-0.12.1
  • geopy-2.0.0
  • numpy-1.20.1
  • branca-0.4.2
  • urllib3-1.23
  • PyQtWebEngine-5.15.4


Got to https://pypi.org/project/PyQt5/#files to download pyqt5 Wheel file with proper version (according to your Python version) and install it with the pip tool. Run pip install PyQtWebEngine to install the PyQtWebEngine tool.

1.2 Examples:

1.2.1 earthquake searching

Run the script widget_earthquake.py to keep going. earthquake

1.2.2 station searching

Run the script widget_station.py and set some searching parameters to see the following GUI. station

1.3 Combining widgets

You can follow the codes to combine these searching tools in single one GUI.

from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QTabWidget,
from PyQt5.QtGui import (QIcon,
import sys
from widget_station import StationWidgetBlock
from widget_earthquake import EarthquakeWidgetBlock

class FDSNSearchingService(QTabWidget):
    def __init__(self):

    def initUI(self):
        font = QFont('Consolas', 14, QFont.Weight.Bold)
        self.widget1 = StationWidgetBlock()
        self.widget2 = EarthquakeWidgetBlock()

        self.addTab(self.widget1, 'Station')
        self.addTab(self.widget2, 'Earthquake')

        self.setGeometry(300, 100, 1500, 900)
        self.setWindowTitle('FDSN-based Searching')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = QApplication(sys.argv)
    mt = FDSNSearchingService()

2️⃣ RetrieveGeometry 〽️ 🔍 🐍

In folder Retrieve_Geometry_on_Map, someone can find a tool retrieve_geo_shape.py, and we can use it to obtain the geometry coordinates (longitude and latitude) of coastlines, lake outlines, highways, railways or whatever you want. Based on the background map (satellite image, street map or topographic map), we can click on the map with our mouse to retrieve the geometric shapes. Here is an example of retrieving the outline of Chaohu lake in Anhui province, China. station





Please feel free to contact me if you have any question when using these tools.