
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Loopi is a game loop library. It's currently being tested so please don't use it for the time being.


npm install loopi


Don't use it.

API documentation & details


The term 'event', as used in Loopi, is a catch-all term for occurrences that happen with every n amount of ticks, or 'checks' for something with every n amount of ticks. Some examples of checks in games include:

  • If an object collides with another object, make the first object move (bounce) in a different direction,

  • If a bad guy is within 20 pixels of the good guy and the bad guy hasn't roared yet, make it roar,

  • While a boolean variable in your project named debugMode is set to true, display constantly-updating information about the game (for example, a debug screen).

As you can tell, Loopi events bear no relation to regular DOM events.

Adding an event to the game loop is achievable with the addEvent method. It takes an object literal with three properties:

  • condition

Type: () => boolean

A function which returns a condition, i.e. anything which evaluates to a boolean value.

const loop = loopi();

  // For every 5 ticks of active (unpaused) game time...
  condition: () => loop.stats.ticksUnpaused % 5 === 0,
  • action

Type: () => void

A function which runs the code inside it every time the condition function returns true.

  // ...make the main character self-combust.
  action: () => goodGuy.explodeIntoFlames(),
  • runWhile

Type: boolean

A simple and optional boolean which decides how the game loop should treat the event. If set to true, this event is treated like a (do-)while loop: "while condition, do action". false by default, so the action only runs once when the condition is met.

  // Once is enough.
  runWhile: false



Loopi instance stats

