
Library and CLI application used to collect common functions and ETL operations for EO data.

Primary LanguagePython

eodm - EO Data Mover


Library and CLI application used to group functions and aid in running ETL operations on EO data.

CLI Usage

Below are example uses of the CLI application. Note the shell piping operator, the intended use case is such that output of one command is piped into the next. With this a clear interface is required between the commands. For this purpose the STAC Item is chosen.

eodm extract stac_api items https://earth-search.aws.element84.com/v1 sentinel-2-l2a --bbox 49.1,18.1,49.2,18.2 --datetime-interval 2023-06-01/2023-06-30 \
| eodm transform metadata band-subset red,green,blue,nir \
| eodm load stac_catalog items s3://eox-gitlab-testdata/vs/catalog.json \
| eodm load stac_api items https://stac2.hub-dev.eox.at/
eodm extract stac_api items https://earth-search.aws.element84.com/v1 sentinel-2-l2a --bbox 49.1,18.1,49.2,18.2 --datetime-interval 2023-06-01/2023-06-30 \
| eodm transform data snowmap \
| eodm transform metadata wrap-items snowmap "/tmp/snowmap_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S%f.tiff" \
| eodm load stac_catalog items s3://gtif-data/test/catalog.json \
| eodm load stac_api items --no-verify https://minikube.local
eodm extract stac_catalog items s3://eox-gitlab-testdata/vs/catalog.json \
| eodm load stac_api items https://stac2.hub-dev.eox.at/
eodm extract openeo /home/nikola/Testground/geo/openeo-tests/results_1_openeo_vito/job-results.json\
| eodm transform data ensure_cog \
| eodm transform metadata wrap-items openeo "/tmp/openEO_%Y-%m-%dZ.tif" \
| eodm load stac_catalog items s3://gtif-data/test/catalog.json \
| eodm load stac_api items https://stac2.hub-dev.eox.at/
eodm extract stac_api items https://earth-search.aws.element84.com/v1 sentinel-2-l2a --bbox 49.1,18.1,49.2,18.2 --datetime-interval 2023-06-01/2023-06-30\
| eodm transform metadata band-subset red,green,blue,nir

Library usage