
Return lineage info (inputs) also with error response?

Closed this issue · 2 comments


In case of an error we would like to know the request. The wps has the lineage parameter to optionally return the inputs with a response document. Currently this happens only when the process was successful.

The WPS 1.0.0 spec says the following (p. 42):

If lineage is ―true‖ (see Table 50), the Execute operation response shall include the DataInputs and OutputDefinitions elements. The server shall include in the execute response a complete copy of the DataInputs and OutputDefinition elements as received in the execute request. If lineage is "false" then these elements shall be omitted from the response.


  • operating system:
  • Python version:
  • PyWPS version: 4.4.1
  • source/distribution
  • git clone
  • Debian
  • PyPI
  • zip/tar.gz
  • other (please specify):
  • web server
  • Apache/mod_wsgi
  • CGI
  • other (please specify):

Steps to Reproduce

Additional Information

@cehbrecht this sounds like a useful addition.

fixed by PR #589.