- abruzziAtlassian
- acrosbyOceanweather Inc.
- arthur-eUniversity of Montana NTSG
- bekoziAlteryx
- BjoernSchilberg@angelaschule-os
- Chandler0591unknown
- cschroedl-gov
- deknos
- doclementsPlymouth
- francbartoli@geobeyond
- gipongTaiwan
- glwChicago
- iwilligNew York City
- jachym@OpenGeoLabs , @maptiler
- javimarlopUniversity of Granada
- joaoponceleaoLisboa, Portugal
- jorgejesus@MaastrichtUniversity
- jterstriepUniversity of Illinois/NCSA
- kalxasOpen Source Geospatial Foundation
- kokoalberti
- Luc-
- lx-88Northwest USA
- mhoegh
- mlacayoemery
- neojavan
- nuestTU Dresden
- reduxionist@intelligent-bytes
- Rob-van-BPEAT
- samtuxAula Geomática
- skymesonJump into the Light
- suryakant54321IIT Bombay
- tchaddadOR Coastal Mgmt Program
- timmie
- tomyunJeonju, Korea
- ygw365
- zzpwelkin