
ComplexOutput data as reference always generates a file named "input.csv", should be "output".

ashleysommer opened this issue · 1 comments


When returning a ComplexOutput as Reference (output as_reference is True), the filename generated by the server (and used in the built URL) is always "input", eg "input.csv" for a "txt/csv" output, or "input.xml" for an "application/xml" output. This is misleading to users as this is actually the Output file.

After some digging through the sourcecode, I found where that name is set:


Lines 271 to 276 in d0bb978

def _build_file_name(self, href=''):
"""Return a file name for the local system."""
url_path = urlparse(href).path or ''
file_name = os.path.basename(url_path).strip() or 'input'
(prefix, suffix) = os.path.splitext(file_name)
suffix = suffix or self.extension

It appears there is no way to set this name on the ComlexOutput object, or on the FileStorage object or on the DataHandler object.


  • operating system: Ubuntu 22.04
  • Python version: 3.8
  • PyWPS version: 4.5.2
  • source/distribution
  • git clone
  • Debian
  • PyPI
  • zip/tar.gz
  • other (please specify):


You can change the output name by storing output data into a file.

Best regards